Tuesday, March 11, 2008

1.What time did you get up this morning? 8.00 am

2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds

3. What was the last film you saw at the movies? 27 Dresses

4. What is your favorite TV show? ? Grey`s Anatomy (night) General Hospital (day)

5. What do you eat for breakfast? 2 ww toast, bluberries and yogurt

6. What is your middle name? Lynn

7. What food do you dislike? cooked spinach

8. What is your favorite CD at the moment? not one in particular

9. What kind of car do you drive? Honda CIVIC

10. Favorite sandwich? Love most sanwhiches actually

11. Favorite item of clothing? pajamas (preggo at the moment and they are most cozy)

12. Person dead or alive that you would like to have a conversation with? My mother, thinking that I have a lot to say to her right now!!!!

13. If you could go anywhere in the world for a vacation, where would you go? Scotland

14. What color is your bathroom? Which one? one is yellow, and the other spicy orange and white

18. Favorite Sport to watch? NONE

19. Farthest place you are sending this? NOt sending anywhere

20. Who do you expect to follow through on the tag? no one

21. Person you expect to complete it first? no one

22. Favorite saying? "let me tell ya..."

24. Are you a morning person or a night person? morning person

25. What is your shoe size? 7 usually..preggo foot size is 8 and more some days..ugh!

26. Favorite food for Dinner? I like anything mexican flavored

27. What did you want to be when you were little? don't know really

28. What are you doing today? slept and tidied a little (I know it sounds lazy but I am fighting a bad cold and am 9 1/2 months preggo)

29. What is your favorite candy? red licorise

30. What is your favorite flower? lilacs and orangish colored roses

31. What day are you looking forward to most on your calendar? the day my little one comes. Technically that would be March 27th at the moment.

32. What are you listening to right now? the heater going, and nothing else

33. What was the last thing you ate ? multigrain tortilla chips

34. Do you wish on stars? Sometimes

35. Do you believe in Angels? LOL, When I am praying I do...but not often do I get my wishes so I'm torn.

36. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? turquoise I think, or red (it coveers a lot of emotion)

37. What is your pet peeve? Oh goodness, depends, there are so many. I biggest one at the moment is how everyone is so concerned with how my undeserving sister all the time and usually disregards how I feel.

38. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Trent

39. Do you like the person who tagged you? Yes, she is a sweetie

40. Favorite soft drink? Stewarts orange pop (but I drink mostly water these days...who has time to drink anything else when you drink close to 3 litres a day)

41. Favorite restaurant? Rosies, or Jungles Jim's.

42. Siblings? Technically yes

43. Favorite day of the year? Christmas (excpet for this year...it will be second)

44. Favorite day of the Week? Sunday

45. Spring or Fall: Fall

46. Hugs or kisses? HDepends on who is giving but I am a hugger

47. Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate

48. Do you want your friends to tag you back? why? Well, If I already answered the questions then there is no point.

49. What is under your bed? Another animals worth of pet hair, lol

50. Who is the friend you've had longest? Jamie-Lynn Davison...A friend since Junior High

51. What did you do last night? Made Shepards Pie and ate late with Trent, had a soak in the tug, watched TV and slept!

52. Favorite smell? fresh cut grass

53. What are you afraid of? spiders and falling on my face (literally)

54. How many keys on your key ring? more than 6 for sure. Too many

55. How many years at your current job? 3

56. Favorite city to visit? HAven't been to too many cities so I don't know

57. How many towns have you lived in? 4

58. Do you make friends easily? well, I make aquiantences eaily but I am particluar on who I chose to be "friends" with. I have fewer friends but ones I trust whole heartidly so it's a great tradeoff in my opinion!