Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The newest happenings at our house....

As you can guess I have no other thing to write about these days other than little Cullen. Since I last updated Cullen has been teething I believe...he drools and chews a lot. His days have been a little more cranky (but not always).
He can hold himself up which he has been doing for a while now. And now likes his floor mat to play on!

He has a new (to us) giraffe that plays music that is easy to press so he really likes you can tell, lol!

He always has his hands clasped which I think is really cute. I said that he really like his bath and he has discovered the toys in the bath now and loves this duck! He has developed quite the little belly laugh which has got to be the cuttest noise I ave ever heard!!!!!
PS: Please check out my website at (don't forgetn to check out the slideshows

Friday, July 04, 2008

It has been a while since I have really written anything. LOL,anybody who has had a baby in the last little while understands why this is. BUT...a routine is starting to form and things are getting easier...I feel somewhat like I know what I am doing.

Cullen is 3 months old now and I wish that he would stay just like he is right now! Really, he doesn't need to grow up right? Geesh,I was at a wedding this past weekend and when the mother danced her dance with the groom I thought I would cry...I had a vision that one day that would be me and Cullen. Seriously, how can I get to that from singing and bouncing his tiny body on my lap????

So let's talk about what everyone wants to know..he's sleep pattern. He sleep about 6-7 hours a depending on when he eats last at night he may not get up until morning which for Cullen in between 7-8 in the morning. If he eats earlier that night then we are up once. Liveable tho. What gets me is when you just want to sleep and you hear him awake over the monitor so you go in and he looks up at you happily kicking his legs and smiles at you. Now what???? He is the cuttest little thing when he does that and it melts the heart while the brain says...sleep, must get sleep! We've noticed that it only happened if he slept too much in the evening and then would wake up betwee 2-5. We now have fixed that little problem with our evening routine and he doesn't do that any more.

Eating...well as you know I had troubles at the beginning and have switched to formula...what a difference. He eats every 4-5 hours and goes longer at night ofcourse. He is the smallest out of all his little baby friends from baby and me groups and pre-natal class. At three months he is 12 pounds and just a few ounces.

He does the cuttest little things. He has ther perfect little frown and pouty lip when he cries and he knows it!!! He smiles all the time and makes tonnes of noise..oops, I mean talks to us all the time, lol! He laughs on occassion and he squeals in delight .
Most importantly he lights up when he sees me or Trent. He knows who we are and looks at us while others are holding him and as we get closer to him he gets more and more excited. He kicks his little legs and smiles ear to ear. He reaches out with purpose now to touch our faces. This morning I was laying with him and he was on his side looking at me and he kept reaching uo and touching my face. I could have spent all morning like that, even if he does grab my hair from time to time, hehehe.

Other things he can do is mimick us, he loves to sneeze and cough and if you do it after he does, he will do it again. He has things he prefers, like a catepillar rattle, to stand, his musical bone on his chair (which he has just learned how to pull all on his own and we are so proud),zerberts,kisses, having his head rubbed, naked time and bath time.

Going back to the whole wedding thing...Cullen has a few girlfriends. One he sees regularly for walks tho they sleep most of the time, lol. One has been prearranged for marriage, but it's okay, she was just born and Trent has checked her out and has confirmed that she is cute. We are also accepting resumes for future girlfriends lol (joking).