I am a mommy of 2 beautiful little boys who keep my very busy, give me a constant headache, and I love them very much. This blog is about the good bad and ugly of being a mommy. A place to share funny stories from my life as it unfolds, and the occasional rant as well,lol.
Friday, April 27, 2007
A new layout of the nieces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2007
Trent's soccer tournament!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday and Saturday Trent was in a soccer tournament. It was one put on by the Valley Regional Hospital here in the valley. Those who participated had to be in the medical profession. All of the teams that played were part of the hospital it's self excpet for the paramedic team. Trent did not play with the paramedic team tho...he played with the emergency department. Each team had to have so many girls and since the paramedic team was all male, and the emergency team mostly female they swapped players. Trent ha d a blast playing for the emerg team...they played for fun instead of being to anal about it!!!!!!!!!!! Tren't team lost, whoch could be expected from a team of people who had never played together before. Some had never played at all!

After the games there was a babeque at Dee's house...who is a complete hoot!!!!!!!! Anyway, they had to practice their dance for the evening closing. Every team was suppose to do a song or dance at the closing. Trent just happened to sneak his way out of it. LOL. The song they did was about ER's and if I knew how to post it on here I would because it was completly hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was a fun time and wil be looking forward to next years tourny!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Blog question #4..Facebook
The question is : Has anyone signed up for facebook, and have you found any old friends.
I have been on facebook for a few weeks now and I am truely addicted. I have found most of my old highschool friends, and people I have worked with in the past. Too many to count,LOL. It so nice to see what everyone has been up to, see pics that they post as well as their everyday comments! I love it.
Some days I just go into my "friends" spot, and click on them one at a time and leave a message on their wall....or else you end up forgetting you even had them as your friends. This is because you can accumulate so many friends. Everytime I turn on facebook there is a new friend request or some action on my facebook page. The great thing is that you can chose if you want to be someones friend or not...you have to confirm or reject them.
I have been on facebook for a few weeks now and I am truely addicted. I have found most of my old highschool friends, and people I have worked with in the past. Too many to count,LOL. It so nice to see what everyone has been up to, see pics that they post as well as their everyday comments! I love it.
Some days I just go into my "friends" spot, and click on them one at a time and leave a message on their wall....or else you end up forgetting you even had them as your friends. This is because you can accumulate so many friends. Everytime I turn on facebook there is a new friend request or some action on my facebook page. The great thing is that you can chose if you want to be someones friend or not...you have to confirm or reject them.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
A couple new layouts!!!!!

This is a digital layout of Dory just this April. Poor little thing! It seems funny to be using winter scrapbooking stuff for pics taken in the Spring.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Spring in Nova Scotia,HEHEHE!!!!!!!!!!!
So, today I was outside raking up the dead grass and pebbeles from the driveway (UGH), and I realised that we were supposed to get snow again last night and didn't. Today is actually a nica sunny day...but who knows what tomorrow will bring.

Just the day before Easter I took these shots of robins in my front yard. Not a drop of snow on the ground and it was warm out while I snapped these pics. Than the next morning I woke up and this is what I saw:

Poor little Dory could barely keep her balance when walking in it because she is so small. Anyway, here is hoping that the sunny days keep on coming and the snow stays away!
Just the day before Easter I took these shots of robins in my front yard. Not a drop of snow on the ground and it was warm out while I snapped these pics. Than the next morning I woke up and this is what I saw:
Poor little Dory could barely keep her balance when walking in it because she is so small. Anyway, here is hoping that the sunny days keep on coming and the snow stays away!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
I've been tagged by Teri-lynn
Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog! OK, here goes:
1) Half of the time I feel lonely, but I love being home by myslef. I wish I would call up a friend and ask them to do something, but I never do...then I sit home feeling lonely.
2) I love to teach, and yet I am sound sensitive. Not a career that goes with such an issue. I seem to tune it out, as I only allow a certain level of noise anyway.
3)I am afriad of drowning. I almost drowned once and hate water over my head...but I go out to far than stupidly try to touch ground.
4)I fold paper before I put it in the garbage. Not sure why,I just do it.
5)I can make a song out of anything....not because I think I am a great singer. I could be making a sandwich and would make a song about it. My dogs actually have little theme songs!
6)I would love to own/run my own Bed and Breakfast/Inn. It would cover so many of my intrests.
7) Blood and gore does not bother me, but a runny nose, drool, vomit or anything that can pretty much comes from your face really grosses me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I tag Didi, Nikki, Kim, Isabella and all the other people I have are already tagged!
1) Half of the time I feel lonely, but I love being home by myslef. I wish I would call up a friend and ask them to do something, but I never do...then I sit home feeling lonely.
2) I love to teach, and yet I am sound sensitive. Not a career that goes with such an issue. I seem to tune it out, as I only allow a certain level of noise anyway.
3)I am afriad of drowning. I almost drowned once and hate water over my head...but I go out to far than stupidly try to touch ground.
4)I fold paper before I put it in the garbage. Not sure why,I just do it.
5)I can make a song out of anything....not because I think I am a great singer. I could be making a sandwich and would make a song about it. My dogs actually have little theme songs!
6)I would love to own/run my own Bed and Breakfast/Inn. It would cover so many of my intrests.
7) Blood and gore does not bother me, but a runny nose, drool, vomit or anything that can pretty much comes from your face really grosses me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I tag Didi, Nikki, Kim, Isabella and all the other people I have are already tagged!
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Scrap page of Dory...
A few days ago a posted some pics and there is one I just love of Dory. I went out today and I stopped at the local scrapbooking store and picked up some really great paper. SO I used them with this picture of Dory. The writing if you can't read it says, " How can you resist this sweet face???". I know that I can't,LOL!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Signs of Spring (and some other bits,lol)...
Trent and I took a walf on the trail behind our house with the dogs yesterday. It is something that is right at our fingertips and yet we never seem to use it (only about once a year). I think this might be the year to change that. Kailey our german shepard is 10 now so she is starting to find the walk tireing, and Dory is so little that she finds going to far tiring and needs to be acrries. There was still a little snow on the trail and the poor little thing would not touch snow if her little life depended on it!!!!! Anyway,taking a walk in the wilderness, I really got a sense that spring is here and it is starting to show.
Sometimes I like to snap a couple of pics of the animals as you all know,LOL. That's what happens when you don't have any kids! Anyway, these are some pics I snapped. I have been trying to get different perspectives like not centred and face on. These are what I got.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Question: If you could go back and change something whatwould it be?
This is a tuff question because changing one thing causes a string of changes.
I automatically think about friendships, but that's not quite it..that's just correlated to the bigger picture. Besides, if I hadn't had the experience of having less than great friendships...I wouldn't have known what to look for in the friends I have now, or have the knowledge that it is okay to have less friends if the friends you do have are true firnds that make you happy. Besides I have had some memorable friendship in the past that I even miss today.
I would say it would be to take better care of my body but again it is just part of the bigger picture. It is something that I could change any day of my life if I put my mind to it..and this is where the one thing I would change comes into place!
I would change the idea that I have that I am just not good enough. It's harder to change then you think it is..you know.....your just not pretty enough,important enough, smart enough, haven't done enough, talented enough, brave enough, not likable enough. Any list of things I would change in my life stems from this one idea. I mean gosh...wouldn't I lose that 20 LBS, spend more time on and with my friends and family, wouldn't I push myself to accomplish more if I just thought I deserved it!!!!!!!!!!
I have been blessed to have a great husband, a few great friends and yet I wonder how I even managed to get them. It's a horrible way to think, and I know a higher level of happiness is out there if this block wasn't in my way. So, this is what I would change if only I knew how.
UGHHHH, these blog questions are sooooo heavy. Thank god they only come out once a week
This is a tuff question because changing one thing causes a string of changes.
I automatically think about friendships, but that's not quite it..that's just correlated to the bigger picture. Besides, if I hadn't had the experience of having less than great friendships...I wouldn't have known what to look for in the friends I have now, or have the knowledge that it is okay to have less friends if the friends you do have are true firnds that make you happy. Besides I have had some memorable friendship in the past that I even miss today.
I would say it would be to take better care of my body but again it is just part of the bigger picture. It is something that I could change any day of my life if I put my mind to it..and this is where the one thing I would change comes into place!
I would change the idea that I have that I am just not good enough. It's harder to change then you think it is..you know.....your just not pretty enough,important enough, smart enough, haven't done enough, talented enough, brave enough, not likable enough. Any list of things I would change in my life stems from this one idea. I mean gosh...wouldn't I lose that 20 LBS, spend more time on and with my friends and family, wouldn't I push myself to accomplish more if I just thought I deserved it!!!!!!!!!!
I have been blessed to have a great husband, a few great friends and yet I wonder how I even managed to get them. It's a horrible way to think, and I know a higher level of happiness is out there if this block wasn't in my way. So, this is what I would change if only I knew how.
UGHHHH, these blog questions are sooooo heavy. Thank god they only come out once a week
Bowl for the kids...
Friday night Big Brothers and Big sisters hosted their annual Bowl for the kids kids night. You have to get pledges for your team and play. I was on the paramedics team as Trent is a paramedic, and Wacky Wheatlys played with us (a paramedics wife works there) All combined for our team $1600.00 was raised. The total for the entire night was over $30,000. Not bad for one night I must say, and all the money goes to kids locally. Every one on our team got a free big borhters-big sisters t-shirt for raising that much money.
I hadn't bowled in years, and was worried that I wouldn't be very good at all. It was for fun, but you never know when you are going to get that person on your team who just has to win!!! We didn't fortunately, and I didn't even do that badly. It was glow bowling, so they used the black lights.....I wish Trent had told me before we left the house as I had on a black shirt. It showed every piece of lint and ofcourse dog and cat hair. Every piece of clothing I own has dog hair on it...I have 2 dogs and 2 cats...UGHHHHHH, it's too many. We also had to wear beads as the theme was Mardigras. Again, something I didn't know until just bwfore bowling...it's a good thing Zellers always has what ya need in a pinch, LOL!!!!!
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