Thursday, October 25, 2007

Christmas Card pictures...

My friend asked me to do pictures for her annual christmas cards. Of course I said yes!!!
Drew is just over one, so he's big enough to not sit still, but not quite old enough to listen to reasoning to try and get him to stay put, lol.
Either way, he's stinckin' cute!! All he wanted the the christmas tree balls! Nothing else!!!!
Eventually I did get some bead pictures, some wreath pics, and some with Christmas lights.
Overall, I was pleased with how they turned out. These were just a few of the ones I like. Now, I better get one of these Christmas cards!!!! LOLOLOL!

1 comment:

Ali P said...

The one where he is sitting in the tubby os the best I think. He's looking at the camera but in a busy way rather than posed and the composition seems pretty balanced.