Thursday, November 22, 2007

Dory's healing leg!!!!!

So everyone has storeis to just seems that I ahve an awful lot. I seem to be a dramam magnet (LOL) and I ahve really bad luck.

so the story. Trent was still up North the day I had my ultrasound. For those reading this you know how nervous I was a bout it from past experience. Anyway, I didn't want to cause any tensions between the grandmothers to be by choosing one or the other so I chose my frined. She is a very sweet and nice girl, but sometimes is a little oblivious (lol). SHe knows this!

So I had Dory outside for a pee. Dory is my little deaf Boston Bull Terrier. She is not a pet to me, but like my own little baby. KIndred spirits I say. I took her out to pee a few minutes early, knowing that Missy is also always a little late. NOt this day. Dory is almost on the lawn, but was in the driveway by a few feet. I saw Missy turning into the driveway so I start yelling and waving my arms. SHe must have thought I was happy to see her, cause she didn't stop. SO,as she gets cloer to Dory who is back to me and can't see me or HEAR me, and she hits her. I am completely hysterical at this point so Missy stops. THANK GOD SHE DID!!!! She stopped right before she drove over the body and she just got her leg. However, in the moment I couldn't be sure. I was yelling for her to back up, and when she did Dory Ran, so that was a good sign I guess.

I called Trent's mom to come get Dory to take her to the vet, called the hospital to say I would be late, then called the vets to tell them about Dory. I really would hav eliked to go with DOry, but this ultrasound was to be the first signs of life of a little one, and I waited 5 months. I was crazy upset during the ultrasound (chich went very well...we're having a boy..YIPPERE!!!!!) As soon as I got out I called Wanda who said DOry was fine...just scrapes. A tiny dog versus a big old Blazer and she won. HOw lucky are we. I went directly to the vets and when I got there Dory had on this bandage.

So, that was November 6th...and I took this picture of her healing leg without bandage yesterday (november 21st). It's healded really well. My little baby!!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

5 month belly picture!!!!!

OK, so the doctor ssaid that this last month would be when I noticed the most change...because I would go from being a little puffy to taking a pregnant shape. She did not lie,lol!!!! I mean, I knew it was changing, but I didn't really realise how much until I took the 5 month picture. I'll post the 5 month picture first and then the 4 month for comparison. Now, I am wearing the same shirt, so that all is the same throughout the photos.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

My weather problem....

Okay, so this happened a couple of weeks ago but because it wouldn't let me post pics I couldn't show you. The tree was massive, but I wasn't thinking at the time and didn't get a pic of the entire tree until it was already in the process of being cut up. This little tropical storn broke down this tree which then tore the wires right off my house. It was a pain in the ass, but everything got fixed really quickly...tho I am NOT impressed with the price at all!!!!