Sunday, November 18, 2007

5 month belly picture!!!!!

OK, so the doctor ssaid that this last month would be when I noticed the most change...because I would go from being a little puffy to taking a pregnant shape. She did not lie,lol!!!! I mean, I knew it was changing, but I didn't really realise how much until I took the 5 month picture. I'll post the 5 month picture first and then the 4 month for comparison. Now, I am wearing the same shirt, so that all is the same throughout the photos.


Anonymous said...

Heyyyy, that's a lovely belly you are getting there. Can't wait to see the little one making it, lol.

Scrappytbear said...

Um yup that's a belly all right :) lol glad to hear he's being so busy too! :)

Anonymous said...

wow, is growing dear! looking more lovely!