Sunday, November 26, 2006

My Grandmother's 73rd Birthday
Today the ladies in the family got together for my grandmother's birthday party.
It is her first since my grandfather passed so it was nice to get ther out and not be alone. We all went to Jungle Jim's...some of you may not know of this place as I believe it is Canadian, LOL. There was probably about 10 of us there, and other than my aunt who drove her, we were all waiting there to suprise her.
We all ate our meal and then ofcourse the staff had to come out and sing her happy birthday and give her a piece of cake with a sparkler in it. Well, it wasn't really happy was more of the army version, you know, "I don't know but I've been told...someone here is getting old"!
Most people dread that part, but my grandmother seemed to enjoy it well enough. I was the only one there who remembered the camera (always good intentions, but you always forget it when you really want some pics), so I snapped the pics for the day.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

My Scrappin' Sense!!!
I have eluded to the fact that I love scrapbooking but I have only put a few layouts that I have done on my I thought now that I had some time I would do so.
Most of my pages are of my nieces because I don't have any children of my own yet. The pages that I am uploading are ones that I have finished recently. I was really into digital scrapbooking for a while and kinda put the paper scrappin' to the side, as it turns out I like paper scrappin' a bit better.
Both are good in their own right, but I have gone back to paper...MOSTLY, LOL. I don't know what I would say that my scrappin sense really is....probably more of whatever I feel like when I am going the page.
I will say that for the most part I am pretty simple. I think a page/layout can look just as nice without a bunch of snazzy techniques, but I do also use them sometimes as well. Again, it's how I feel at the time.
I know that I love 2-sided paper and I tend to have 3 colors on every page...habits I guess. I am not a person who is loyal to only one company of paper, when I go to the scrappin' store there is sometimes a line of corridinating paper that I must have, but I get what appeals to me from any line. I do always make sure that I have a well rounded set of cardstock. I tend to be sentimental in what I journal on a page more so than being cute, funny or punny and that is mostly because I am worried no one will get it! I love to look at other people's work and often get inspiration from it, but refuse to carbon copy a layout or card, aside from paper I must change it in a noticable way or I don't feel like it is my page.

Friday, November 17, 2006

The new Living room
Let me start be showing you the very end result of what has been quite the adventure this week before I begin to tell you what happened...
So, this week I was hosting my scrap group at my house. I figured that now would be the perfect time to touch up the living room wall (a painting had fallen and left some scrapes in the wall). I went to Walmart with my paint chip to get just a small can of paint for touch ups. The man made 3 cans of paint before he felt that he got it right..this should have been my red flag. Because he would not put a dab of paint on the paint chip I had nothing really to compare with, so home I came and put the paint on the needed areas.OH NO!!!! It was nowhere near the same color. I tried to fix it by putting some white and yellow in it, but I simply ended up with a huge darker green circle on the main wall in my living room. Did I mention that I lost the paint chip at problem right, just go and get another paint chip. Wrong-the paint chip was 2 years old, and the store I got it from doesn't sell that brand anymore. So, we chose a new color and had to repaint the entire room, which means everything in the room had to change because of our color choice. It was turning out to be an expensive little scraping group LOL!!!! The decorating fanatic inside me didn't really mind so badly. So I will show you the before and after pics of the room....The green is before. I don't have any good before pics of the room

The caramel color is the new room:

The last pic is of a couple of the girls at my house scrappin'

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Scrap nite Layout!!!!!

Somethimes at scrapgroup it can get a little hard to get things completed...too much talking, eating and tending to children. Having said that is is always fun!!! The girls laugh at me because unless I have forgotten a material that I needed aI can usually finish. I tell the the trick is to sit down for a while before you go to think about what they are going to do. I find the thinking is sometimes the most work. I actually wanted to burn the edge of the patterned paper that is not against the edge...I think it would have suited but I none of us girls smoked and I wasn't able to do it. It is a very simple layout, but the color of the patterned paper was no nice and bold that I really didn't need to go overboard with embellishments.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

The week catch up!!!
It has been a long week. I got most of the home repair stuff done that I had on the list to do. The doors look great, though it is time to get new doorknobs and locks (these ones have some paint on them LOL, and one lock is getting loose. Trent came home early (on . He got a deer. At least I didn't have to help him hang it in the garage this year like I did last year.
Scrap group was fun except that people brought there little's not seeing them as much as the comments some people say when they don't realise what you have been going through. I was going to get pics but forgot to! I will sometime though. I worked on cards at Trent's mom's house and we went out for supper. I now habe 45 cards made. I am finished I hope because I am tired of making cards.
I worked a couple of days at my favorite school this week so that is always good.Though I had to leave early on Friday for the long awaited Dn'C. Yesterday I spent 8 hours at the hospital to finally have the Dn'C done. I couldn't eat or drink all day which is hard for me...but I survived. I feel pretty good today, nolingering pain.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Alone for a week!!!
Saturday Trent and I took my niece to the movies to see "Santa Clause 3", after taking her out for lunch. We had a good time. Then Trent and I spent the rest of Saturday alone as he is going away for the week. He left on Sunday and will be back on Saturday night sometime. I hate being alone so much...Trent works 12 hr shifts (and alot of extra ones too), and then any time we could have together he ends up doing something else. Though in this case, it is family tradition for the men to get together every year and go hunting.I have a couple work days booked for the and of the week, but I had to come up with some things to keep myself busy. So, I decided that this week would be home improvement week for me. I baught some filler for the wall since our new bed did so much damage to the walls bringing it in, I bought paint so that I could paint the inside of our outside doors (LOL...if that makes sense), I am going to clean the area rug that I took out of the living room when one of the dogs decided that it was the perfect place to eat the compost, and I am going to rerake the lawn if it warms up any. I also have scrap group on Wednesday evening, and I am going to visit with Trent's mom and work on some cards.Hopefully this will keep me planty busy. PS....I know that I haven't been taking many pics lately, but I will get back to doing that very soon!!!!
Today was our first real snow here in the "valley" of Nova Scotia. I took a few pictures because I love fresh snow (when it comes in small managable amounts that is...LOL)

Thursday, November 02, 2006

The latest news
The doctors, because they want to be sure of everything need to do all these tests that take time before they will do anything final. So I had to go for another pregnany test which ofcoarse came back positive. I had a doctors appointment yesterday and she sent me to the lab to have a bloodtest done that checks the levels of hormones (which she actually had to get a specialist approval for), and I will have to take another bloodtest on Friday. Apparently it only takes two days to show a drop in hormones, so by tomorrow I may have something final set.In the meantime, my doctor is trying to get another ultrasound done today by the oncall obstetrician. My doctor showed me the report yesterday which indicated that my "empty sac" measured 10 weeks when I thought I was almost 12, but the doctor said that they can be off by about a week, and it is possible that I had actually conceived a little later than thought. So, my sac seems to be growing right on schedule LOL. The other thing she said about the report was that the sac was irregularly shaped. I am not sure how, but she said that she has never had a report come back that said that.I checked online and it can be caused by several things (usually which all lead to miscarraige). The real catch about the whole thing is that, if I get everything settled on Friday, there may be a strike in the hospitals all over Nova Scotia on Novemeber 6th, and I may have to wait for a D&C until that is over!!! I did speak to my doctor today and she said that the test taken yesterday indicated that the levels were at the low end, and my ultrasound is booked for Nov 16th/06.