Tuesday, December 26, 2006


December 25, Christmas day....
We got up around 8:00, fed the animals and took them out. We opened our stockings together and then had my traditional breakfast of cheesecake and eggnog,(lol).
The cheesecake was the best I had ever made which had a chocolatechip cookie as it's base, yummy! Onto, the presents we went. It took just the two us us a little over an hour. We go one by one together and enjoy this part.Around 10:30 we were done so we cleaned up the paper and snuggles for a moment before getting ready to go to my mothers house for dinner.

When will the eating stop I'd like to know????? We ate so much for dinner that we felt like we couldn't move,lol. My mom had asked me to then take a couple of nice photos of her and Alf since they have never really had any taken in all the years they have been together. So I did.

December 24th...
We had a Christmas eve breakfast with Teri, Scott, Trent's mom, and us ofcourse. We had eggnog waffles with pureed strawberries and eggnog whipcream, scrambles eggs, croissants, sausages, and OJ.

Everyone left after this and it was time to relax before the evening came. Trent and I watched movies and lounged on the couch. In the evening we went to my parents house, ate some snacks and visited. We were so tired that we came home and did nothing special other than spending some time together. MY niece did drop in for a few minutes.

December 23rd...
Ter-lynn (Trent's sister) and her husband came up for the night. We had a good time ( I think anyway). I did. When we arrived home from NG, we took a little nap and shortly after we got up they arrived. We sat and talked a while and then ate some pizzs and garlic fingers. We had some drinks and conversation. A little later Teri and I put on our jammies and we pulled out CRANIUM which is very fun game. At the end of the game, Trent's best-friend showed up with his 2 hour old fiance Lisa. Afetr some hugs and congrats it was back to business...kicking the guys butts. Jon and Lisa joined, but even Jon couldn't help the feminie force, loo. They left, and the rest of us played TABOO until about 1:15 in the morning, again Teri and I kicking butt. Of to bed after that.

December 22nd.....
Trent and I went to New Glasgow(NS) to visit his family. Both of his sets of grandparents live there, his father is barried there, and his god-father lives there. So, as you can see it is a pretty important place to go. We decided to spend the night so that everyone could get a good visit...it wasn't enough time. I swear that I gained 10 LBS eating at his grandmother Perkins...thay are very old fashioned and she waits on you hand and foot. Also, you do not turn down food at her house. When she sets the table she puts everything you could ever imagine on it, and it seems that even desert had several courses, lol. Anyway, a great time was had.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Why not me??????

I don't understand why life is so unfair????? I have had trouble after trouble for the last 2 months. If first finding out that the three months you thought you pregant you were only for a short time...try having multiple d&c's for the same failed pregnancy. It has been 6 weeks since the first procedure, and after 3 weeks of not healing I discovered that I would need a second procedure to remove a clot that had formed. Well, it has been another 3 weeks and I am still not healed. I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow to see what the problem is. Feelings of depression have over come me at this point, and feeling like life just couldn't get any worse....could it???
To me it can, will and has!!!!!!!!!! I just found out that my sister (with whom I am not speaking to for various reasons) is awaiting the news on whether or not she is pregnant. My sister apparently started trying after she found out I was pregnant as she tries to do everything that I do. Now, I don't mean to be harsh, but she is living with/sleeping with a cousin a of ours that is closely related enough to attend our family functions, and she gets blessed with having a baby and I lose mine. What did I do to deserve this???? She does not the deserve the child she already has, she leaves her unattended (illegaly as Cailtin is not old enough)and without no phone for emergencies. See, my sister cannot get a phone, or cable, or power hooked up in her own name as she has outstanding bills with all of the above. I must be awful, but I am not happy for her. I am devestated that this has happen. I have worked so hard to get everything I have in life, a good husband, a good career, good friends, and a family. My sister cheats the welfare system, borrows money from everyone she knows without ever paying back, lies,betrays, and steals and she gets the one things that I want more than anything.
I'm sorry for this blog, and soon I will delete it, but for now I just need to get this off of my chest.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

A Christmas kinda weekend!!!!!!!
Yesterday Trent and I stayed home, except for going out to supper with a couple of friends. I made my christmas tage and wrapped the present right up until I ran out of paper. No, problem though because I got everyone done but Trent. I made made a wreath, well part of it anyway and added additional touches to make it complete for a gift yesterday as well.

I mean I liked it when I saw it is it's orginal state or I would not have baught it, but I tend to look at things and wonder what I can do to them. I even made on for myself! Though mine was the practice run and I think that the gift wreath cam out much better.
Friday was the day we put up the real tree (remember we put up the artifical for the get-together). So ofcourse I took a slew of pictures. This too is in it's original state. Every year I put up the tree and decorate to spend the next week moving things around to make it better,LOL!!! I'm sure I am not alone here.Anyway, it didn't seem as fun the second time, we already knew what it would look like and it seemed more of a "let's get this done". Either way, eggnog was had, but we forgot the Christmas music this time. We went with a different theme this year, which was white and red with poinsetta's. As opposed to the deep redish burgendy and gold.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Christmas Tags!!!!!
Okay, so I got up this morning thinking that I would wrap some presents before Trent woke up, seeing that I would have plenty of time. I start to wrap, finish the last present, go for the tage and then I realised that I didn't have any. Okay, so how did I not know that I didn't have any tags??? Likely I will find them as the last gift is being wrapped. I decide that after working the crazy days at school with concerts and shopping parties etc, and christmas parties that I have attended that today is an inside day...a "do not leave the house unless you absolutle must" day, so I think I will make some. Now, I'm thinking bulk here, and trying to keep in mind that they get ripped up and tossed in the garbage. I don't save them anyway...is that bad?
I use stamps and simple white paper. I choose 3 differnt colors so that I can some some tage in each color and then I begin. I do some second generation stamping and call it a day! Well wait, it wouldn't take that lond to actually make little tags instead of rectangular tags would it? Here is the answer: if you do not have a tag maker then yes, tracing the top of a tag onto all the made tags does take much longer....
so after doing about 8 I decide to stick with rectangles and again call it a day. Whilt they are cute, they are not overly fancy, but again they go in the garbage with the wrapping paper.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Trying something new...
Well, it has been a long month with a lot of disappointments, but the tides have changed and things are starting to look up. I'm so glad for this because I was begining to feel like I was couldn't take any more! Anyway, I wanted to do somthing for myself as a way to perk myself and move on. A good way for me to do this is to get my hair done, LOL. So off to the salon I went for a hair cut and some foils. My hair dresser had been bugging me to get foils for some time now but I held off because she's very expensive. Then I thought about what else could I do other than buy a new outfit (which I did), and I thought I wanted to do something that would appear drastically different about me.
I baught RED lipstick. Yes I did!!!!! I have been reading and hearing about how all the celebreties have been wearing red lipstick, and it is the new trend (thanks, to Christina Aguillara). So I have joined the pack. I didn't want bright OMG red, so this had a hint of pink in it, but boy does it ever say "hello", and really gives a brightness to the face. It is not something I would wear everyday, but it is good for holidays, and whenever it suits really.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

So this has been a particularly busy weekend. Trent and I had a little Get together at our house on Friday December 8th. That day we go out to put the christmas lights up and finish the last minute details when it started to snow.....oh good, bad weather is the quickest way to ruin a party.Though, it turned out very pretty as we had only grass and bare trees before our little snowfall.

We ended up having only 7 of us, but we laughed, ate and had some "refreshments", and all was well. Well, I guess you could say we had 8 if you count cute little baby Joshua! Us women were a little more tame the the boys, who were just on the verge of drinking a little to much. LOLOL,tis the season right!

The last of our little group left around 1:30 am, and after a little clean up it was time for sleep.
Saturday was the annual family christmas party, and this year we didn't have to travel!!! It was at Trent's mother's house and so was were actually able to stay right until the end. Though, by the end of the night the busy week had caught up and I started looking forward to today which entails having waffles and watching movies. Everyone had a good time, and as always it was nice to see everyone and catch up. Trent's family is such a close one so it nice so nice to feel that I am part of it.

LOL...this lons entry is for you Alison, ans PS...I took so many pics that I had some new pics to add to my slideshow so check it out!