Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas wrap-up.......

There were many people out with cameras during the I didn't feel the need to carry mine around. Those pics you can probably find on my SIL's blog in the near future. These are just from our house on christmas morning.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

6 MOS BELLY shot!!!!!!

Here it is. What I noticed this month is that the top of the belly has filled in. Last month there was a huge difference in the size, but it all sat at the bottom. If you want to compare the changes, just scroll down a little, LOL. The first 2 pics are on here as well!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The newly done bathroom...

I know, I am always redoing a room or another. I tell you, I watch way to many decorating shows and love to redo room. So we went from a red half bath to a spicy orange and white. LOL, it may not be for everyone...but Trent and I love it. Thye orange is very deep, spicy orange that reminds me of fall and food. Trent and I put up the chair rail, but I did the decorative frames on the bottom half myself. My cyatic nerves bothered me for days afterward, being 5 1/2 months preggo at the time, but I survied. The next room is the nursery! I am planning on having this done in the next 2 weeks so keep an eye out!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Dory's healing leg!!!!!

So everyone has storeis to just seems that I ahve an awful lot. I seem to be a dramam magnet (LOL) and I ahve really bad luck.

so the story. Trent was still up North the day I had my ultrasound. For those reading this you know how nervous I was a bout it from past experience. Anyway, I didn't want to cause any tensions between the grandmothers to be by choosing one or the other so I chose my frined. She is a very sweet and nice girl, but sometimes is a little oblivious (lol). SHe knows this!

So I had Dory outside for a pee. Dory is my little deaf Boston Bull Terrier. She is not a pet to me, but like my own little baby. KIndred spirits I say. I took her out to pee a few minutes early, knowing that Missy is also always a little late. NOt this day. Dory is almost on the lawn, but was in the driveway by a few feet. I saw Missy turning into the driveway so I start yelling and waving my arms. SHe must have thought I was happy to see her, cause she didn't stop. SO,as she gets cloer to Dory who is back to me and can't see me or HEAR me, and she hits her. I am completely hysterical at this point so Missy stops. THANK GOD SHE DID!!!! She stopped right before she drove over the body and she just got her leg. However, in the moment I couldn't be sure. I was yelling for her to back up, and when she did Dory Ran, so that was a good sign I guess.

I called Trent's mom to come get Dory to take her to the vet, called the hospital to say I would be late, then called the vets to tell them about Dory. I really would hav eliked to go with DOry, but this ultrasound was to be the first signs of life of a little one, and I waited 5 months. I was crazy upset during the ultrasound (chich went very well...we're having a boy..YIPPERE!!!!!) As soon as I got out I called Wanda who said DOry was fine...just scrapes. A tiny dog versus a big old Blazer and she won. HOw lucky are we. I went directly to the vets and when I got there Dory had on this bandage.

So, that was November 6th...and I took this picture of her healing leg without bandage yesterday (november 21st). It's healded really well. My little baby!!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

5 month belly picture!!!!!

OK, so the doctor ssaid that this last month would be when I noticed the most change...because I would go from being a little puffy to taking a pregnant shape. She did not lie,lol!!!! I mean, I knew it was changing, but I didn't really realise how much until I took the 5 month picture. I'll post the 5 month picture first and then the 4 month for comparison. Now, I am wearing the same shirt, so that all is the same throughout the photos.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

My weather problem....

Okay, so this happened a couple of weeks ago but because it wouldn't let me post pics I couldn't show you. The tree was massive, but I wasn't thinking at the time and didn't get a pic of the entire tree until it was already in the process of being cut up. This little tropical storn broke down this tree which then tore the wires right off my house. It was a pain in the ass, but everything got fixed really quickly...tho I am NOT impressed with the price at all!!!!

Monday, October 29, 2007

A little information...

1. WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR KITCHEN PLATES? red inside, black outside

2. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING NOW? book? Nora Roberts, it's an addiction!


4. FAVORITE BOARD GAME? Cranium, especailly if my partner is a female...we always win that way!
5. LEAST FAVORITE SMELLS? drool that's not been cleaned up, and B.O.


7. FAVORITE COLOR? Pink at the moment

8. LEAST FAVORITE COLOR? yellowish brown
9. HOW MANY RINGS UNTIL YOU ANSWER THE PHONE? about 2..with telemarketers I like to see caller display first
10. FUTURE CHILD'S NAME? Can't say yet, wait until March!!!
11. CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA? all depends what it's 'on'
12. DO YOU LIKE TO DRIVE FAST? sometimes, not speedy but hate being behing really slow people
13. DO YOU SLEEP WITH A STUFFED ANIMAL? NO, a real animal (until I get up to use the washroom anyway, then it's kennel time)
14. DO YOU LIKE THUNDERSTORMS? yes, as long as the power stays on

15. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CAR? a really old Chrysler Lebaron that talked. Imagine that!! It never said anything good,LOLO!


17. DO YOU EAT THE STEMS OF BROCCOLI? only in chinesse food

18. IF YOU COULD HAVE ANY JOB WHAT WOULD IT BE? Interior designer, not that I don't enjoy teaching or photograhy
19. IF YOU COULD HAVE ANY COLOR HAIR, WHAT WOULD IT BE? My own I guess, it suits me
20. IS THE GLASS HALF FULL OR HALF EMPTY? depends on the situation, and often if it effects me or not,lol.
21. FAVORITE MOVIE? Not sure right now...I do love "A time to kill".

22. DO YOU TYPE WITH YOUR FINGERS ON THE RIGHT KEYS? I think so, at least I don't chicken peck
23. WHAT'S UNDER YOUR BED? LOLOL, um, I'm embarrassed to say that it would be DUST BUNNIES!!!!!

25. FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH? Nothing...absolutely nothing!

26. YOUR SINGLE BIGGEST INTENSE PAIN? an absessed tooth (infected tooth down to the root)
27. PERSON MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND? no one, not asking anyone to.
29. KETCHUP OR MUSTARD? Ketchup....Hienz

30. HAMBURGER OR HOT DOG? Both I guess
31. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON? Fall, it's pretty!!!
32. THE BEST PLACE YOU HAVE EVER BEEN? Domican Repulic, hoping to replace that with Scotland soon enough!
33. WHAT SCREEN SAVER IS ON YOUR COMPUTER RIGHT NOW? A picture of a sunset in the artic that Trent took



37. DATE OF BIRTH? September 17, 1978

38. WHERE WERE YOU BORN? Kentville, Nova Scotia

39. WHAT ARE YOU LIVING ARRANGEMENTS?TRent and I own a house run by a little Boston Bull Terrier and the other animals I try to ignore aS much as possible
40. WHERE DO YOU LIVE? Centreville (for 2 more years hopefully)

Please feel free to use this on your own site and see if it gets around.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Christmas Card pictures...

My friend asked me to do pictures for her annual christmas cards. Of course I said yes!!!
Drew is just over one, so he's big enough to not sit still, but not quite old enough to listen to reasoning to try and get him to stay put, lol.
Either way, he's stinckin' cute!! All he wanted the the christmas tree balls! Nothing else!!!!
Eventually I did get some bead pictures, some wreath pics, and some with Christmas lights.
Overall, I was pleased with how they turned out. These were just a few of the ones I like. Now, I better get one of these Christmas cards!!!! LOLOLOL!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

4 month belly shot

okay, so it is a little late, by over a week in fact but I has to buy a new computer and so it put off posting for a few days. It's not exactly round yet, but it has that inflated look. A couple pairs of my pants are just starting to get too uncomfortable, but it is always there, poking out in my shirt saying "hellop there", LOL!!!!!! The next belly shot will be posted around the 10th of November.

Friday, September 28, 2007

A few new home additions!!!!

I am always in the process of changing the house, even if it's little things. In another life I was an interior decorater I just know it!!!!! There are still things I need to do to the house, but here are some little changes Trent and I made recently: This is an armoire that luckily I didn't pay for (Thanks Jon!!!). I love that it closes away the entertainment clutter when not being used!
These are new double wroght iron curtain rods I got for my birthday.
I took the existing curtain rod out of the living room and put it in the diningroom and took away those hideous vertical blinds that were here whn we moved in....all broken and dirty GROSS!!!!! It looks soooo much better with them gone. Next I'd like to tackle all the awful gold fixtures in the house and the horrible wood trim we have! So, stay tuned for the next episode of "fin my house!" LOL!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

On the rocks!!!!!

These are some pics I took at the beach where I grew up. It was darn cold out this evening. Even though it was sunny at home, when we arrived at the beach it was foggy,windy and freezing, but it made a much better effct than sun would have! I played with some different techniques here and you will noice at least one of these pics have a blue hue to them. That is on purpose!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

29th birthday!!!!!

I started off the day with opening up my presents from Trent (which I got a UV filter for my camera and an awesome camera bag!!!!!

Then it was off to get an hour massage...which was probably my least favorite part of the day since it is now two days later and my back (skin and muscules) are still sore from how hard she pushed! Then it was luch time so we went out for lunch. We had Chinesse food whoch is our fav!!!!

Once home we did a lot of nothing. It was my day to relax so we watched tv etc. I put on cozy close and hing out with Trent. This is what posed a problem for future picture taking of the day. When I get cozy I rub my eyes so makeup is smudged everywhere...and lets not forget that I had on clothes that weren't pretty...but Trent was dteremined he was going to take pictures of all the gift opening. Let's just say I have them all, but I'm not going to post them all,LOL!!!!

I got 2 cakes which is pretty normal. One from Trent and one from mom. LOL, I certainly don't need to cakes!!!!!!!!! If I know I have them I will eat them, but I am seriously going to try not to this time because I don't think stuffing myself with icecream cake is NOT the best nutrition choice while pregnant!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Black and White nature series...

The valley where I live is such a great place to just drive around and look at the scenery. It's a great place to get photos, and that's just what I did!!!! This style of pic is called art doesn't appeal to everyone, but then some people buy it, frame it and put it up in their houses. LOL, there is a guy at our local mall every christmas who sets up his kiosk and sells his photography...and let me tell you, they are not cheap. HMMMM, maybe I will start selling mine!!!!!