Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What makes my world go round!!!!

This is a challenge/question posted on the site LIITD, where I put all of my scrapbooking pages. This question isn't one I even had to think about,a s I knew the answer instantly.

Now, while my husband would say it was my dog Dory...he knows that really it is him. No matter what occurs in my life, everything is better if Trent is there. When I am going through something terribel, all he had to do is walk in the room and I feel better. I truely think that I would not feel like a whole person without him!!!!!!!!!!! He has a way of balancing me out ans also making me feel safe and confortable. I would have a different life if I hadn't meant Trent, and I am grateful that I did.

In the past 6 months I had a horrible experience with a failed pregnancy..a blighted ovum to be exact. It is where a sac grows but a baby does not grow in it. I (as was Trent) was devestated to find out at 3 months that there was no baby at all, and there never was. Especially, when we were getting the ultrasound to see if we were having two babies or one...and find out there was no baby at all! The situation spiraled from there, where I needed to have 2 d&c's to for the same pregnancy and then it took 3 or more months for my body to heal. The idea of being able to have chilren was quickly fading for me as I thought that something was terribly wrong and I could feel depression starting to set. If Trent hadn't been there to dry the tears, and have the patience to deal with the randomness of when they came I don't know if I would have recovered as well as I did. He was always there for reassurance, comfort and support. He was hurting too, and yet he put me first to help me deal with what I was feeling. Though this was the worst experience we have had together, he was there to make it better, as he is with the everyday trials of life as well. He is the love of my life!!!! It is Trent that makes my world do around. HEHEHE, and Dory is a close second(joking).

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Pics from the last few days!!!!!

The new bed set. Ok, so I have a really great bed set, but when I want to wash it I don't have another great set to put on. Today I changed that. I wanted to go with something that was not strictly beige where everything in my room is that color. I really like this icy bluish color so when I found it on sale I thought "yup, I'm getting it". It is more modern, and fussy looking, but hopefully is not too girly! It will not replace the other one as the other bed set is really nice as well, but this one is lighter and will be less hot for summer.

This is Dory soaking up the sun on the living room floor. Dory is never far from where I am, so while I was watching tv I could here the noises of Dory chewing on her favorite pinapple. She has the bottom ripped off now and is very very proud of herself,lol!!!!!! Anyway, all the sudden the noises stop so I figure she went somewhere else, but when I looked she was fast asleep with the pinapple toy not far away. I grabbed the camera, and since she is deaf she did not hear me when I turned it on to get the pictures. Isn't she the cuttest little thing, sigh!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, March 19, 2007


This picture is so cute...or at least I think it is. Teri , Scott and the girls came over and the girls were not feeling well. They all were laying around trying to feel better. I had two girls on the sofa and one upstairs sleeping, oh I mean watching Shrek 2 HEHEHE. I loved this pic because I thought it was so priceless how she had her hands up by her face. It is hard to tell here but she had her palms flat together as if praying. And she was resting her head on them. Trent actually took this pic as I was holding her when this was taken. Poor little thing was not feeling well, and held off the throwing up until later. Well, I since have gotten whatever it was that they girls had...and it sucked!!!!! I am feeling better tho, at least feeling human again.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Trent's birthday...

Trent finally got to sleep in while I went to the dentist and picked up his cake. He opened his presents from me and then we went into town for lunch and to run some errands. This took way longer than intended so we were a little rushed feeling, but what can ya do??? When we got home my parents came over so Trent opened up more presents and we ate cake and icecream. How many pounds can you gain in one day,hehehe?

For supper Trent's mom, and his sister, her husband and their 3 kids, along with us went to Paddy's Pub. I shared my supper with Annika because there was nothing on the kids menu she wanted, and is still too little ti make her way through an adult meal. Holly wasn't feeling well so she ordered some toast. We ordered, the food came and at the end of the meal, the birthday people (Trent and his mom) got to order a free desert. LOL, we were going back to Wanda's for cake but hey why not? So, then we were off to eat the cake. Teri and I colaberated and decided to get Wanda a Manicure and Pedicure for her birthday. Her birthday wasn't until Thursday but it made sence to give that gift to her with Teri and her family here to watch her open it!It was a busy day, it was nice to get everyone together.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

A good man...

Since Trent's birthday is coming up sson it must of triggered me to think about doing a page for him. I don't usually do pages of just him, since scrappin' tend to turn out a little feminin, but I think I got it done without managing to make it girlie! Usually titles are hard for me, but not this time. I knew exactly what I would call it...A GOOD MAN!!! That's a great way to describe him.

Friday, March 09, 2007

My celebrety look alikes...

I have done this several times with picture of Trent and I just playing around. It is fun and funny to see what people of the opposite sex you look like. I don't know how they do it, because I don't think I look like any of these people..though I can't complain. I chose only the females to show. Take a look.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Here's what I have been doing lately!!!

Sorry folks who visit my site that do not scrapbook because this entry is entirely stuff that I have created. There hasn't been too much to do so I have spent some spare time doing my hobby. This first page is a digital page I did for a challenge on LIITD. The secons layout is of Trent and I is a paper scrap page. It took a lot of work and cutting,LOL.The next couple of pics are all cards made from pieces of paper that are left after I have done a page. I really like these cards.
I usually make some mess HAHA when I scrap, but when I make cards it gets ridicously messy. I took a pic to show you what I mean, and for anyone who knows me they know that it is rare for me to have such a mess anywhere in my house,LOL!!! Guess it means I ma having fun.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Another scrapbook page...

This page is of the niece that I can no longer get picture of. I think it turned out nice. It's not too "little girl", as she is getting older. I used all scrap pieces left over from other pages I have done and used white paper...OMG, not things I normally do! I stamped all over the white paper though as yopu can see,lol. I tried to leave a little more blank space becausae it is something I need to be more comfortable with..ususally I feel that I can't leave anything. This page reminds me of spring, which we could all use a little of right now as a possible upcoming storm is hitting.