Sorry folks who visit my site that do not scrapbook because this entry is entirely stuff that I have created. There hasn't been too much to do so I have spent some spare time doing my hobby.

This first page is a digital page I did for a challenge on LIITD.

The secons layout is of Trent and I is a paper scrap page. It took a lot of work and cutting,LOL.

The next couple of pics are all cards made from pieces of paper that are left after I have done a page. I really like these cards.

I usually make some mess HAHA when I scrap, but when I make cards it gets ridicously messy. I took a pic to show you what I mean, and for anyone who knows me they know that it is rare for me to have such a mess anywhere in my house,LOL!!! Guess it means I ma having fun.
OH MY , VICKI, HELLO!!!! HOW ARE YOU DOING?!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO LOOK AT MY BLOG, AND NOW i DIDN'T DO THAT QP LOL LOL I JUST BOUGHT IT LO LOL TODAY, THAT GIRL HAS AMAZING KITS AT HER STORE, LOVE THE QUALITY, TODAY I SPENT LIKE $20 lol lol and the prices are awsome too, so far :) go take a look :) thank you, and BTW, im loving your pages :) hugs ~erica922~
Great LOs Vicky! and I love those cards. LOL I get pretty messy too, I don't feel like I've done anything if there isn't a big mess to clean up when I'm finished.;)
Love your work!!!
Great design and colors!!!
LOve that digi layout. And your work space is cracking me up. Looks like mine. That's right you are just playing and having a blast.
Your workspace could be ANY ROOM IN MY HOUSE. LOL
I kid, I'm not as bad as all that.
Good to see you posting again. How's Dory??
Hey Vicky
Love the pages and the cards. You did a great job on them.
Look at all you've done! Great work, such sweet photos.
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