Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I've been tagged by Teri-lynn

Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog! OK, here goes:

1) Half of the time I feel lonely, but I love being home by myslef. I wish I would call up a friend and ask them to do something, but I never do...then I sit home feeling lonely.

2) I love to teach, and yet I am sound sensitive. Not a career that goes with such an issue. I seem to tune it out, as I only allow a certain level of noise anyway.

3)I am afriad of drowning. I almost drowned once and hate water over my head...but I go out to far than stupidly try to touch ground.

4)I fold paper before I put it in the garbage. Not sure why,I just do it.

5)I can make a song out of anything....not because I think I am a great singer. I could be making a sandwich and would make a song about it. My dogs actually have little theme songs!

6)I would love to own/run my own Bed and Breakfast/Inn. It would cover so many of my intrests.

7) Blood and gore does not bother me, but a runny nose, drool, vomit or anything that can pretty much comes from your face really grosses me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I tag Didi, Nikki, Kim, Isabella and all the other people I have are already tagged!


Scrappytbear said...

Those are great answers! Thanks for playing :)

Anonymous said...

wow dear Vicky, don't feel lonely, :) I'm here. Anytime, just drop me a note and we can chat!! :) I would enjoy knowing you more dear. I am so happy to know you already!! :) cool about the Inn... :)