Sunday, April 01, 2007


Question: If you could go back and change something whatwould it be?
This is a tuff question because changing one thing causes a string of changes.

I automatically think about friendships, but that's not quite it..that's just correlated to the bigger picture. Besides, if I hadn't had the experience of having less than great friendships...I wouldn't have known what to look for in the friends I have now, or have the knowledge that it is okay to have less friends if the friends you do have are true firnds that make you happy. Besides I have had some memorable friendship in the past that I even miss today.

I would say it would be to take better care of my body but again it is just part of the bigger picture. It is something that I could change any day of my life if I put my mind to it..and this is where the one thing I would change comes into place!

I would change the idea that I have that I am just not good enough. It's harder to change then you think it know.....your just not pretty enough,important enough, smart enough, haven't done enough, talented enough, brave enough, not likable enough. Any list of things I would change in my life stems from this one idea. I mean gosh...wouldn't I lose that 20 LBS, spend more time on and with my friends and family, wouldn't I push myself to accomplish more if I just thought I deserved it!!!!!!!!!!

I have been blessed to have a great husband, a few great friends and yet I wonder how I even managed to get them. It's a horrible way to think, and I know a higher level of happiness is out there if this block wasn't in my way. So, this is what I would change if only I knew how.

UGHHHH, these blog questions are sooooo heavy. Thank god they only come out once a week


Scrappytbear said...

Good answer, so True!

Anonymous said...

Dear Vicky, i have tears in my eyes reading about this, I feel so realted to some things you're saying. I don't have much friends either, im in a new country, and leaving my coutnry behind is amazing that the most I miss is my family of course but my land, I lived all my life in ecuador until 2001 that i came here to usa, but even in elementary school I didnt have much friends. I only keep one, but she's all the way in Los angeles but even wiht that kind of distance, we remain friends. Please count me betweeen the people who wants to be your friend and you are so blessed to have your family, dogs, home, and life. that's why God LOVES YOU dear.
This quote is for you, i hope you like it:

Friendship keep us balanced

Life today is difficult. problems, challenge us, and we worry about our family's futures. It's easy to fall into the trap of taking ourselves too seriously, of worrying about success, jobs, acceptance, parenting, illnesess, and so on. It's easy to lose our ability to laugh. It's easy to forget the ismple way of purely enjoying one another. Friendship keep us balanced in a difficult world, renews our perspective, and enable us to recapture joy. -Susan Yates-

hugs and remember you have a friend here! :)