Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Signs of Spring (and some other bits,lol)...

Trent and I took a walf on the trail behind our house with the dogs yesterday. It is something that is right at our fingertips and yet we never seem to use it (only about once a year). I think this might be the year to change that. Kailey our german shepard is 10 now so she is starting to find the walk tireing, and Dory is so little that she finds going to far tiring and needs to be acrries. There was still a little snow on the trail and the poor little thing would not touch snow if her little life depended on it!!!!! Anyway,taking a walk in the wilderness, I really got a sense that spring is here and it is starting to show.

Sometimes I like to snap a couple of pics of the animals as you all know,LOL. That's what happens when you don't have any kids! Anyway, these are some pics I snapped. I have been trying to get different perspectives like not centred and face on. These are what I got.

I couldn't help this last one because Dory loves having her pic taken as she totally looked right at me!


Kim -today's creative blog said...

It still looks pretty cold! Brrrrr.....But your fur babies are sure cute!

Scrappytbear said...

Nice photos! Love the trail! Snow???? ewww~ lol Love Dory's tongue!

Susan Blanton said...

What a cutie, no wander she likes her picture taken.