Sunday, April 15, 2007

Spring in Nova Scotia,HEHEHE!!!!!!!!!!!

So, today I was outside raking up the dead grass and pebbeles from the driveway (UGH), and I realised that we were supposed to get snow again last night and didn't. Today is actually a nica sunny day...but who knows what tomorrow will bring.

Just the day before Easter I took these shots of robins in my front yard. Not a drop of snow on the ground and it was warm out while I snapped these pics. Than the next morning I woke up and this is what I saw:
Poor little Dory could barely keep her balance when walking in it because she is so small. Anyway, here is hoping that the sunny days keep on coming and the snow stays away!


Anonymous said...

those picture are really cool dear Vicky, love them they look so warm

Susan Blanton said...

Love those bird photos, and the snow photo.