Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Blog question #6...in 10 years

This weeks question is: where we would like to be 10 years from now! What do you think your life will be like in the year *yikes* 2017.... What do you hope to have happen in that time?

10 years from now I plan to be wherever Trent is. We have discussed in the past about leaving Nova Scotia for a while but whenever we come back it would mean we would have to start over in both of our jobs. We decided that wasn't an option so we will still be in Nova Scotia. Besides, this is where are family and friends are and therefore where we want to raise our children.

In 10 years I think that I will feel more settled into life. I will live in a house that I plan on living in for a longer period of time (more than 5 years anyway like this house), I plan on finally having a contract position in teaching and I plan on having 2 little ones running around our house. Finacially I think Trent and I will be in a better posotion, not that we hurting now...but just better. With both of us having fulltime income and our student loans being paid off, we will feel the freedom of being able to see some of the world and offer our children some experiences that neither of us had as children. I also hope that in 10 ten years the people I love (friends and family) are still in my life. Everyone is healthy and doing well.

As far as society goes...I hope that we take a turn and live more like the people did in the 50's. Like in the movie "My girl".I want my kids to be kids...not to be inside playing videogames/computer and to use an imagination in their playing. I want innocence for them. I want my children to play outside and be safe in doing so. I don't want the news to be plastered in school shootings and crime.


Anonymous said...

wow, those toughts are gorgeous Vicky, I'm sure God will please you in every one of them:)
Thank you for sharing.

Susan Blanton said...

Love your idea of living more like the 50's. I would to love that.
Great to read your thoughts.

Nancywithajones said...

such a great idea to go back to the 50's things were soooo different then... not all crappy like today :(