Friday, August 24, 2007


Okay so I don't use my blog to vent very often but I'm going to today I tell ya!!!!

Bad luck...if anyone has it, it's me. I mean really , how many people have at least 3 things going wrong at one time at all times. ME, that's who!!!

Let's start with my Employment insurance. This has not come yet and I applied on June 18th for god's sake!!!! First the school board has no concern for it's substitiute teachers and didn't send the Record of Employment until July 30th. Then Service Canada was SUPPOSED to have it processed within 3 weeks which is now late late late!!! So, we have been living off of 1 income for 2 months now when we are used to 2 incomes. It ticks me off that now matter how many times I explain this to service Canada, or the school board they just don't care!!!!!!

Second, I cancelled my insurence policy with ING because I was paying way to much for insurenace. I went with another company to save 200.00 a year. YAHHOO right...well kind of! See they take out a double payment the first month (um, what money, I don't have any!!!!). Meanwhile I get charged by the old company. Oh, they will reimburse me that payment plus one more because I paid one month in advance. Goody eh??? It's been weeks and I have yet to see that money reimbursed!!! What is the freakn hold up????? Nobody wants to give me my money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGHHHH!!!!

So, on the other end. I have been asked to do some photography work that has big possibilties that may even lead my to travel to the states. Big paying jobs (not just a couple hundred dollars, but a couple thousand dollars each time!!!!) But, that isn't set up yet and the smaller job requires that I SPEND MONEY!!! Yes, to take classroom photos, and photos of campuses and buildings I need a better lense. SO, I need to spend the money that I don't yet have to buy a lense.

Part 2 of this problem is that in typical Camera Corner fashion it is late late later!!!! Twice now I ahve dealt with them, first in purchasing the camera and now with this lense. They tell me that it will comne quickly and expect it by such a date. Well, both times that date came and went and I am waiting waiting waiting!!!! In the future I will no longer deal with Camera Corner. I mean I could have walked srtaight into staples and baught a canon lense and had it that day!!! No, I stupidly go into Camera corner first to see if they had any lenses in stock that would fit my camera which SURPRISE...they didn't. They inform me that the next lense up in my camera is a low end (it's good but I can get better) so, for more money I can get a better quality lense. No kidding, but I fell for it! This camera is decked out, I have yet to buy the beginner accessories for it, they have all been higher end! If only I had that lense that should have been in which I called about yuesterday and they have NO IDEA what is up with it!!!!!!

Something better happen soon or I am going to blow!! I'm a pregnant women ya know and people always say "well, their hormones" which I don't think is true... BUT I am soon going to use it as an excuse to take someones head off!!!!


Anonymous said...

Yes, it always seems that things happen in 2 and/or 3's, and no, the government doesn't care about real life, only what they want to care about. LOL, that's what they are all about.

Anonymous said...

Things always come in 3's good or bad. Only it seems like the bad happens more often. I do hope things get better for you and you get $$$ fast.

Susan Blanton said...

the states, hope you come to Virginia Beach, VA. that would be cool.