Tuesday, December 26, 2006


December 25, Christmas day....
We got up around 8:00, fed the animals and took them out. We opened our stockings together and then had my traditional breakfast of cheesecake and eggnog,(lol).
The cheesecake was the best I had ever made which had a chocolatechip cookie as it's base, yummy! Onto, the presents we went. It took just the two us us a little over an hour. We go one by one together and enjoy this part.Around 10:30 we were done so we cleaned up the paper and snuggles for a moment before getting ready to go to my mothers house for dinner.

When will the eating stop I'd like to know????? We ate so much for dinner that we felt like we couldn't move,lol. My mom had asked me to then take a couple of nice photos of her and Alf since they have never really had any taken in all the years they have been together. So I did.

December 24th...
We had a Christmas eve breakfast with Teri, Scott, Trent's mom, and us ofcourse. We had eggnog waffles with pureed strawberries and eggnog whipcream, scrambles eggs, croissants, sausages, and OJ.

Everyone left after this and it was time to relax before the evening came. Trent and I watched movies and lounged on the couch. In the evening we went to my parents house, ate some snacks and visited. We were so tired that we came home and did nothing special other than spending some time together. MY niece did drop in for a few minutes.

December 23rd...
Ter-lynn (Trent's sister) and her husband came up for the night. We had a good time ( I think anyway). I did. When we arrived home from NG, we took a little nap and shortly after we got up they arrived. We sat and talked a while and then ate some pizzs and garlic fingers. We had some drinks and conversation. A little later Teri and I put on our jammies and we pulled out CRANIUM which is very fun game. At the end of the game, Trent's best-friend showed up with his 2 hour old fiance Lisa. Afetr some hugs and congrats it was back to business...kicking the guys butts. Jon and Lisa joined, but even Jon couldn't help the feminie force, loo. They left, and the rest of us played TABOO until about 1:15 in the morning, again Teri and I kicking butt. Of to bed after that.

December 22nd.....
Trent and I went to New Glasgow(NS) to visit his family. Both of his sets of grandparents live there, his father is barried there, and his god-father lives there. So, as you can see it is a pretty important place to go. We decided to spend the night so that everyone could get a good visit...it wasn't enough time. I swear that I gained 10 LBS eating at his grandmother Perkins...thay are very old fashioned and she waits on you hand and foot. Also, you do not turn down food at her house. When she sets the table she puts everything you could ever imagine on it, and it seems that even desert had several courses, lol. Anyway, a great time was had.


Scrappytbear said...

whew youve been busy! Time to slow down huh? Sounds like youve had a great time :)

Ali P said...

I wish I was there for the fun..I need a transporter room NOW!