Saturday, January 27, 2007

Dory and I !!!!

Dory likes to snuggle with me when I talk to Trent on MSN (which is a lot). Heaven forbid that she not get any attentions from either one of us. I took these pics yesterday and sent them to Trent so that he would have e new pic of us to have on his computer incase he gets homesick. In the first pic I had to remove myself using some tricks...I just couldn't get the angle right trying to hold her and the camera,lol. The second pic of Dory and I...I really liked, which is big considering that I hate my own picture!!!! This wasn't an exciting entry, but I really haven't been doing much since I finished the kitchen. Next time I will have something a little more engaging to talk about,lolol!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

It's been almost a week...

Trent ahs been gone for almost a week now and it has been a long one. I was able to redo the kitchen during this time though. I tore off the hidious border that came witht he house when we baught it, and painted a color that matches completely with the color tile on the counter. Yes I took pics, but I thought I would share some pics that Trent sent me from Colomac,NWT instead. These are from the diamond mine that he is contracting as a paramedic at. I cannot tell you to much about them, cause I don't know much.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Catching up....

It has been two days since Trent has left and in between talking to him and other stuff I have managed to complete 2 layouts. This first layout is a round one,lol incase you couldn't tell. My sister-in-law/friends asked if I wanted to do a round layout challange with her lastnight and this is what I did.
This second layout is one that I have put off for a long time. I have difficulty using more that 2 pics in a I guess this is my own little challange!!!!
These next pics are of Trent, his mom and myself at the airport. We had about 10 minute with him after checkout and we managed to get pics of it!!! Now that they are on the computer I can send them to Trent. PS...don't mind the way I look...I was up at 3:30 ya know,lol.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

First day away!!!! 1 day down-27ish to go.....

Trent and I had a suprise of getting a phone call on Thrurday afternoon to find out that he would be travelling to Yellow Knife the next morning at 7:00 am. We were shocked and upset because we thought that we were going to have another 4-5 days, and now it was cut short. So, yesrterday we got up at 3:30 in the morning and got ready to go to the airport. We met his mother at 4:30 and she came with us. Two reasons for this: she would want to see her "baby" off since he gone for a month to a very far away place and second is that I have never driven to or from the airport before and sisn't think that this day should be my crash course being upset and all.
We actually arrived at the airport pretty much in time for Trent to check-in(which is automated now) and have only about 10-15 minutes before he had to go. Seeing him off was hard ofcourse. We were standing there, voices cracking both trying not to cry...and then he was gone. Ofcourse by the time I got home I was ready to talk to him again and couldn't. Hate that!!!!! He works 12 hour shifts heer at home but I talk to him whenever I want, so this was a weird feeling for me. The day seemed long and sad.
Finally, he called here around 6:15 our time. He was at the office in Yellow Knife and all was well. So the evening perked up because I spoke to time on the phone and saw him with the webcam on MSN after. Today he said it was sightseeing and reading for when he arrives at the mine. I should have pics by today some time so if you haven't been to Yellow Knife and are curious what it looks like then check back in.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A gift for a friend..

My friend Angie had little Drew back in September. I had made her a little 6x6 album for her to put some pics in. I thought that because it was small it would be portable and she could put in her diaper bag so we would always have some of her fav pics with her to show people. Because of life being busy I had not had the chance to meet little Drew for all this time, and I finally got to meet him on Sunday. I gave her the book and then I brought it back home with me so that I could put the pics in. She sent her favs and I diluted the color in them and put htem in the book. I left areas for her to journal in if she choses to, and now it is done.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Early dismissal....

Why on earth do we have these if we know it is going to snow even before school starts??? To torture sbstitutes I think. I get to school expecting a full day to find out during announcements that because up the upcoming weather it will be early dismissal, this decided after parents have gone back to bed or off to work and not sitting around listening to the radio. LET THE MAYHEM BEGIN!!!!! Every student has a form indicating where to go, oh...but when the time comes no one is sure anymore if that is where to go. " I think I'm supposed to go home but mommy said she was shopping today and she might not know to be home. I started off by running through the list of students and there forms...making a list of parent I would need to call all th while....but good luck being able to use the phone. Whatever the form says is where they will go!!!!! I'm not altogether comfortable with that you know, what about the people who are unaware of the sudden early dismissal???? Anyway, I handled like a troupper and everyone got to where they were supposed to and the snow has started.
So, the good thing is I got to finish my layout I was working on. I baught this line called cosmo cricket and I love it. So I must use it right away.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

I was tagged...

A= Taken
B= Best Friend~ Missy
C= Cake or pie~ Cake
D= Drink of choice~ alcohol wise: strawberry daquiri, Normal: orange pop
E= Essential item you use everyday~ reading glasses (that way no headaches!!!)
F= Favorite color~Pink. most shades that included running into red.
G= Gummy bears or worms~Worms.
H= Hometown~ Baxter's Harbor, NS
I= Indulgences~ too msny...I am seriously trying to cut out many of them!
J= January or February~'s short and rounding spring.
K= Kids and Names~ none yet, but my pets names are Kailey, Pace, Zoe and Dory.
L= Life is incomplete without?~Trent....I don't know what I'd do without him.
M= Marriage date~ June 11, 2005
N= Number of siblings~ 1
O= Oranges or apples~ Apples.Cortland when they have the red veins in them. Yummy
P= Phobias or Fears~ Falling on my face and knocking me teeth out..wierd huh?
Q= Favorite Quote~ "I love you today,tomorrow, and every second in between"
R= Reason to smile~little things like: my friends and family, my little Dory-dog
S= Season~ summer, I love heat and no school YAY!
T= Tag 3 or 4 people~ Didi, and that's it I'd say, everyone else has been tagged that I know.
U= Unknown fact about me~ I cry easily over soap operas and movies
V= Vegetable you don't like~ cooked spinach
W= Worst habit~ eating too much crap!!! Oh and sometimes I say too much!
X= X-rays~Yes :)
Y= Your favorite food~ Pizza
Z= Zodiac Sign~ Virgo

Another layout....

When I first saw the patterened paper used in this layout from Stampin' Up...I thought that I must have it. Once I got it I didn't have any pics that suited it until just recently.Since I used a soft focus on the picture of my niece Annika, I was comfortable using different patterns and color together. The flower stamps are also Stampin' Up and it was the first time I ever used them (I got them for Christmas).This time thinking of the layout wan't that time consuming as I knew I wanted the rounds "blocks" of paper, what paper and colors etc... Sometimes I hit a pothole when it comes to embellishments ( am I overdoing it, or is there not enough), but I like the balance that I used this time. I always find the journaling the hardest part and actually spent most of the time to do this layout, thinking about what to write. This particular layout is one of my personal favs that I have done in some time. Hoping y'all like it as well!

Monday, January 08, 2007

CD cover (wedding)

My task for the last two days have been this...reorginize pictures, get them onto disks and off of the computer. Finally I am finished with the years worth of pics and onto wedding photos. I had 3 disks of wedding pics. I took all of them and put them onto the computer where I went through every single one, chose the best of duplictes, weeded out bad ones, did some adjusting and puting them all back onto just one took forever I must say!!!!!!! Now I have a huge ache in my eye from strain. I figured if I went through all this trouble I should decprate the CD cover a little. What I did was decorate what fits inside the, it had to be thin. Again it is simple...but that seems to be my style I guess. Remember, I did have to fit in those tiny little half moon shaped plastic holders on the inside of the case.
I chose the color and the lilacs because that was my color and lilacs filled the hall at the reception.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Latest pic!!!

Last night I was sitting and watching tv, and talking on the phone with my mother when I noitced the moon outside the window. I don't know how I hadn't seen it earlier as it ws very brite and big. I like to test out my is relatively new and I want to see how it takes pics in different lighting etc... This was on the standard AUTO setting with flash. I think it came out even caught the hazy ring that was around the moon.

Friday, January 05, 2007

First layout of the New Year!!!

For christmas I had gotten a very handy storage cabnit...and I decided to use it for scrapbooking. I moved my scrapbook room downstairs to the basement. That is finally finished,except for now we are going to finish the basement (another small task turns into a huge one,lol). With the room being ready for me to use I thought maybe I should use it. I wasn't doing anything as my husband had the dreaded hockey game on so...scrappin' I went. I really wanted to do the pics I took of my niece writing on the window but was too lazy to go up two levels to get to the computer room, luckily I have a photobox for what I call my "scrapables".
I rooted through and found these two of my niece Holly and thought these would be perfect. The only problem with not knowing before hand what pics you are going use is that you have to have the materials needed already at home (normally I would go into the scrappin' store to pick out the perfect paper)...this time I had paper that would do the trick. Though I must say, a trip to the scrapin' store is coming up very quickly I think!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year to all!!!!

I started off the new year with finishing a project that I had started. It is a metal box decorated for my sample cards. I am new to doing this kind of stuff, so while I think it is cute I am sure I still have lots to learn.
Now, I have no pics of New Year's Eve because Trent and I stayed home. He is leaving soon, so we are spending alone time together. New's Years day we went to his uncle's house for a potluck lunch and visit.

These are just some photos throughout the day. There is a nice group phot taken of Trent's uncles and aunts and his grandparents. There are a few missing from the photo. Trent has an uncle from British Columbia who is down for a short while, and since we never see them we had to get a photo. It may be our only one that may have.
I got a couple great shots of my nieces playing while at the party....oh the life of a child,lol! In fact, most of these pics they didn't even know I took (though some they did pose for.

So, this was the first day of the new year! It was a good time, and if everyone wasn't so tired at this point we would have stayed longer and had some more fun. Now it is time to relax, and resume life as it was before the holidays. Aren't the holidays a time to relax???LOL