Monday, January 08, 2007

CD cover (wedding)

My task for the last two days have been this...reorginize pictures, get them onto disks and off of the computer. Finally I am finished with the years worth of pics and onto wedding photos. I had 3 disks of wedding pics. I took all of them and put them onto the computer where I went through every single one, chose the best of duplictes, weeded out bad ones, did some adjusting and puting them all back onto just one took forever I must say!!!!!!! Now I have a huge ache in my eye from strain. I figured if I went through all this trouble I should decprate the CD cover a little. What I did was decorate what fits inside the, it had to be thin. Again it is simple...but that seems to be my style I guess. Remember, I did have to fit in those tiny little half moon shaped plastic holders on the inside of the case.
I chose the color and the lilacs because that was my color and lilacs filled the hall at the reception.


Scrappytbear said...

That's gorgeous, quit making excuses for something so pretty! UM Where are my pictures??

Vicky said...

LOL, they have been sitting here on a disk. There is a disk just for you, you will get them.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.