Monday, March 19, 2007


This picture is so cute...or at least I think it is. Teri , Scott and the girls came over and the girls were not feeling well. They all were laying around trying to feel better. I had two girls on the sofa and one upstairs sleeping, oh I mean watching Shrek 2 HEHEHE. I loved this pic because I thought it was so priceless how she had her hands up by her face. It is hard to tell here but she had her palms flat together as if praying. And she was resting her head on them. Trent actually took this pic as I was holding her when this was taken. Poor little thing was not feeling well, and held off the throwing up until later. Well, I since have gotten whatever it was that they girls had...and it sucked!!!!! I am feeling better tho, at least feeling human again.


Anonymous said...

Oh my, so sorry to hear that you were sick. Glad you feel better now. This is a great layout of the little angel.

Scrappytbear said...

That's SO cute! Im sorry you got sick too, it was pretty awful :( I do hate to be sick! Love the layout and the photos! I need them Full Size!

Anonymous said...

very pretty colors and page dear Vicky, lovely. I have a lo for you , do I sent it to TEri???

Susan Blanton said...

Just precious.

Hope you feel better.

Nikki Cleary said...

-great LO
-love the heritage site where you can see who looks like you...too funny
-if you want to know how to make those displays, e-mail me and I will tell you how i made them (really easy!!!, both took about 2 hours to complete and they are 12 feet long each)
-i like the lo you made for your hubbys b-day too.

Kim -today's creative blog said...

I love that layout! Very cute.