Tuesday, May 15, 2012

This weeks changes.....

Now that the current teething is taking a break Quade has been all smiles...and giggles!!!! It's nice to see. He's had a bit of a hard road....for those of you who really know him with refulx, bowel issues, being constantly sick and teething for over 4 months. I've been waiting and hoping that he would become the happy litlle boy I knew he was :)

He's now off the prevacid, he has 2 teeth....and is super happy! It is funny what little it takes to make him laugh. cullen makes him laugh, playing peek-a-boo makes him laugh, he loves to be tickled and pretty much any funny look or sound will make him laugh these days. Even the animals walking by him makes him laugh.

Cullen has a little friend in the neighborhood...they stopped by yesterday when we were outside playing, and had a water fight. I like his mom too, so we will have more playdates I'm sure. This is why we moved! We wanted to give the boys the kind of place that they could play with and make friends, and know the people in the neighborhood.  It wasn't possible at the our other house. We so made the right decision.

Over the last couple of weeks Cullen has shown that he has one of mommy's behaviours...making songs for everything!!!! Yup, he walks aroung singing about anything he can think f. He even sang about the moldy smell at the superstore while getting groceries,lol. That's my little man!!!!


grammy perkins said...

It was so nice to be with you all on Sunday. Yes, Quade was a happy little guy and the smiles and giggles on the swings really made me laugh. Had a great time with Cullen too, hide and seek was a big hit with me, LOL. I plan to do it again sometime!!!!

Vicky said...

Any time Grammy!!!!! Always welcome. The booys had a great time with you.