Saturday, January 20, 2007

First day away!!!! 1 day down-27ish to go.....

Trent and I had a suprise of getting a phone call on Thrurday afternoon to find out that he would be travelling to Yellow Knife the next morning at 7:00 am. We were shocked and upset because we thought that we were going to have another 4-5 days, and now it was cut short. So, yesrterday we got up at 3:30 in the morning and got ready to go to the airport. We met his mother at 4:30 and she came with us. Two reasons for this: she would want to see her "baby" off since he gone for a month to a very far away place and second is that I have never driven to or from the airport before and sisn't think that this day should be my crash course being upset and all.
We actually arrived at the airport pretty much in time for Trent to check-in(which is automated now) and have only about 10-15 minutes before he had to go. Seeing him off was hard ofcourse. We were standing there, voices cracking both trying not to cry...and then he was gone. Ofcourse by the time I got home I was ready to talk to him again and couldn't. Hate that!!!!! He works 12 hour shifts heer at home but I talk to him whenever I want, so this was a weird feeling for me. The day seemed long and sad.
Finally, he called here around 6:15 our time. He was at the office in Yellow Knife and all was well. So the evening perked up because I spoke to time on the phone and saw him with the webcam on MSN after. Today he said it was sightseeing and reading for when he arrives at the mine. I should have pics by today some time so if you haven't been to Yellow Knife and are curious what it looks like then check back in.


Ali P said...

Oh sweetie. I feel your pain. I did almost 6 months, though we had visits and spoke on the phone every day. Oooh you have a webcam!!!? Tres cool. I am leaning towards that when we finally get high speed. Thats so awesome because then you get to SEE him too.
You are gonna be just fine. Great time to do "Vicky" stuff. Hugs.

Scrappytbear said...

Time will pass faster than you expect! I am sure of it! :(:(:( Im so glad he has the web cam tho! Fill up your days with Busy stuff!