Thursday, January 11, 2007

I was tagged...

A= Taken
B= Best Friend~ Missy
C= Cake or pie~ Cake
D= Drink of choice~ alcohol wise: strawberry daquiri, Normal: orange pop
E= Essential item you use everyday~ reading glasses (that way no headaches!!!)
F= Favorite color~Pink. most shades that included running into red.
G= Gummy bears or worms~Worms.
H= Hometown~ Baxter's Harbor, NS
I= Indulgences~ too msny...I am seriously trying to cut out many of them!
J= January or February~'s short and rounding spring.
K= Kids and Names~ none yet, but my pets names are Kailey, Pace, Zoe and Dory.
L= Life is incomplete without?~Trent....I don't know what I'd do without him.
M= Marriage date~ June 11, 2005
N= Number of siblings~ 1
O= Oranges or apples~ Apples.Cortland when they have the red veins in them. Yummy
P= Phobias or Fears~ Falling on my face and knocking me teeth out..wierd huh?
Q= Favorite Quote~ "I love you today,tomorrow, and every second in between"
R= Reason to smile~little things like: my friends and family, my little Dory-dog
S= Season~ summer, I love heat and no school YAY!
T= Tag 3 or 4 people~ Didi, and that's it I'd say, everyone else has been tagged that I know.
U= Unknown fact about me~ I cry easily over soap operas and movies
V= Vegetable you don't like~ cooked spinach
W= Worst habit~ eating too much crap!!! Oh and sometimes I say too much!
X= X-rays~Yes :)
Y= Your favorite food~ Pizza
Z= Zodiac Sign~ Virgo

1 comment:

Scrappytbear said...

Excellent Answeres, thanks for playing :):):)