Monday, February 26, 2007

Our weekend getaway...

We started out saturday (our getaway) with a one hour couples massage at EAU SPA. It was very relaxing and just the perfect way to start off our weekend. I wasn't able to get many pics as we got right in, But I managed to snap one before we went into the massgae room. Here I was able to get a few while they were waiting for Trent and I to get ready.

We were off to a place called in on the lake which is less than 1.5 hours away from where we live. It is in a quiet area and was what we were looking for. It was built in the 1790's though I am not dure what it was back then. When we walked into the lobby it was a little less than grand (as we have seen at other places) but they hadold 20-30"S style music playing which added to it's charm. After check-in we took our stuff to our room which was exactly as it looked on their site which is nice...they don't always. The colors were warm and inviting...very cozy and spacious as well. As promised there was a large whirlpool tub (which isn't a big deal because I have one already at home), but makes for futher relaxation. The Inn had a bottle of champagne waiting for us and some chocolates. We had a couple of hours to kill before supper so we watched some tv and took come pics. Trent was in Yellow Knife for a month and didn't get to watch much it was great for him.

We dressed up for dinner, I figure any place that requires a reservation is likely a place that you should be dressed up for. As we were walking toward their restaurant called ENCORE I though "maybe we overdressed", but as I entered I realised that we fit in very well in our chioce of dinner attire. We were placed at a table infront of the fireplace, and again there was the soft cooners music in the background. I didn't get any pics at dinner because Trent and I would have looked like fools pulling it out and snapping pics...this is not a restaurant that serves pop or ketchup,lol. Did I mention we were the youngest ones there??? They started off our meal with warm bread, Trent had a beer and I had a daquiri. I ordered the chicken parmesan and Trent ordered the lamb chops with a sundried cherry-gin-juniper berry sauce. Trent had cinnimon crusted fried icecream in strawberry sauce and I had a fresh lemon tart in cream for dessert. TOO MUCH FOOD!!!

The next event was unfortunate...we had to go get some cold and sinus medicine. Yes, both Trent and I were coming down with a cold. That didn't stop us though. We relaxed a bit more, waiting for the medication to kick in then we went for the whirlpool. I know it is not "advised" to drink and be on cold medication but I was having champagne darn it!!!!! It is so yummy!!! So we sipped away on that for a while. Later, when our stomaches could hadnle more food, we opened up the chocolate fondue I had made that morning to bring. I heated it in the fondue pot and we ate choloate dipped fruit.

The room was so nice and toasty, as I put it up as high as I wanted it. Trent likes it cooler at $$$ on oil,lol!!!!! The bed was cozy and very large (king), but that didn't keep the snoring from coming across to me, ugghhh! oh no, was a perfect weekend about to be spoiled by laying awake listening to Trent snore???? For about 2 hours I laid there listeing, but then I woke him (slightly cranky) and he propeed his head up and we were okay for sleep again for a little while. I was hoping at breakfast that I could finially snap a pic, but itwas busier than the evening and there was no good you will have to trust me that the restaurant was lovely. The colds held off just enough on Satuday, but appeared strong on Sunday and is now running it's course. Hoping to feel better by tomorrow as I work tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Another scrapbook page of a neice!!!!

Ok, I actually have 4 nieces, but since one is a preteen and hates having her picture taken it is hard to get pics of her to scrap...but I have tones of pics of the others so they are generally my scrappin' models,lol. I did this page for a challange on a site that I post all my scrappin' pages on. This is of Holly. SHe is soooooo funny!!!! I titles it sweetheart because that is what she is. This shirt she was wearing posed a challange for me but I think I managed. I love the two patterned papers that I used for it though it may be hard to see them in the pic. Hopefully you can because they are pretty. Anyway, thought I wouls pop on and post something as I don't plan on writing on here again until Sun/Mon..after Trent and I have our romantic getaway..Yahoo!!!! Oh one last do you spell neice???

Monday, February 19, 2007

Hubby's arrival home.....

Trent was to arrive home at 10:08 in the morning on Friday, Feb 16th. When his mother and I arrived at the airport the flight was delayed by only 15 minutes to 10:23. No biggie, we went to Tim's in the airport and had some breakfast, then we checked out a store or two. At this point it was pretty much time to head over to where he would arrive. When we got there people were setting up for some kind of presentation. At first we thought it was for the East Coast Music Awards, or some important arrival, but it was a dedication to 3 really horrible looking statues. I did not get any pics of them because they were really ugly. I did take a picture of Trent's mom and I waiting for Trent to arrive.HEHEHE!!!!

The dedication starts and Trent's flight arrives. Three women came out and the airport staff which flight they were on. Yup, Trent's we waited, and waited. No Trent. Anyone who knows me knows that I was close to panic mode at that point. His flight had arrived but no Trent!!!! We asked information about his flight after about 40 minutes or more of waiting and found that there was another flight arriving at 11:47. It was only about 15 minutes before it were to arrive and the snack part of the presentation was started. Yum, carrot cake,lol! Then finally, Trent comes down the stairs, I had the camera in my hand and got some pics, but in the hustle and bustle of him finally being home I never got one of the 2 of us. Anyway, here are the pics tat I got....

The dogs and cats went crazy, which we knew so he waited outside until I could go in and let the dogs out so they had more room.

We had only made it in the house when he got a phone call from the company he did the contract for to see if he could go back out again for a couple of weeks. "Ah, slow down there buddie," is what I was thinking, but Trent has to wait until his vacation time is renewed in April and off he goes again for 2 weeks. For now he is home, and we have just been spending time together, though I can't be to greedy so we had our parents over for turkey dinner last night.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My many moods scrapbook layout...

Ok, I live behind the scences,really. Unless I am in a picture with Trent then I don't exist. I am the picture taker, and since I hate having my picture taken I am fine with that...but when I look back in 20 years I will have no life to look back on through pictures. This is mostly do to the fact that I weigh 30 LBS more than I would like to. My husband is always saying "You're not in any of these, how come you don't scrapbook any pages of yourself?"..cause most of the time I don't even want people to see me. He is right though, so I decided to take some good pics and do a layout, and if it weren't fot the layout I wouldn't have taken them.Trust me, I felt silly enough taking them for a reason let alone for no reason at all...especially since I took them myself,ughhh!!!! No one was here when I got this little brainstorm so off I went on my own. I decided to do a many moods layout, and show it through all my current hair styles I wear on any given day. Here are the winners:
Then I chose some colors that I love, and that suit my personality and did my page. I mean if I really have to do a layout of myself that it is going to suit me,and be just simply me. Anyway, enough about me, hope you enjoy the layout. Next up on my blog will be the hubby's return home!!!!!!! WOOHOO.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Red, white, and Pink Layout!!!

There was a challange on the Scrap That Moment site that I post my layouts that required a page using red, white and pink. Now, I didn't have any solid white ribbon, but when I get to the scrappin store I will make some additions. The pics are of my niece Annika. I love the touches of read with all the pick.I think I founs a color comination that I now like!!HEHEHE

Sunday, February 11, 2007

OK, Last set of YK pics (I think, hehe)

First thing I need to do is make a correction: apparently Trent is at a Gold mine (not running naymore) not a diamond bad!!!My husband is a hunter do he has seem deer, bears, foxes, and perhaps a wolf but he has never mentioned if he has. BUT, he has never seen a caribou, and likely a wolf at all let alone one that is oure white. I should clarify...Trent got the pics from a guy that works with him up there at the mine as the road was a little far out and Trent can't just take a drive out that far. Though he has convinced someone to take him out before he leaves if it's not busy so that he can see some first hand, and to get some better pics, lol....Trent know what kind of pics I like!!!! Can we say close-up!!! In the meantimes folks I have pics of a herd of caribou and of the white wolf. They just hang out on the sides of the road and seem to have no fear of people. I really hope Trent does get to go out on the "ice road" and see these for himself, as it is another experience he gets to have....and he better get me some more pics darn it, hehehe!

Oh yeah, and this last pic was of a badger or wolverine. I don't know what those are, but Trent said it is the size of a small bear.

Friday, February 09, 2007

More PIcs from Yellow Knife....

Gosh it's been a long 3 weeks so far. Some might think that it isn't that long, and in really it isn't....but Trent and I are used to spending a lot of time together. Since he is my favorite person to be around then I miss him while he is gone! I have at least 50 pics from up in Yellow Knife, but I will not post them all, haha. Trent usually goes outside everyday. At first the weather was no different than here, but has gotten significantly colder as the time as passed. He has to do checks, and he has to meet commuter planes bringing supplies and people, and if anyone needs the use of the truck he must go as well as he must be ready for a call at any time. He will be home Feb 15th...YAHOO!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

New Table!!!!!

My stepfather was kind enough to make me atable last year. It was round like I wanted and the perfect size for my dinning room (being the tiny litle space that it is). In the last few months my poor table has been turning into more of a bowl shape than a table.After getting over the guilt I decided it was time to get a new one. I needed new chairs anyway. Holy, was I shocked to see how much money you have to spend to get atable, but I lucked out finding one at 1/2 price with taxes included. YAHOO!!!!! I personally love it, and it fits my requirements. It is a round table by day, but if you guests over you can put the leaf in and you can seat more people. It is s great dark color with apolhsterd seats as you can see. Oh no, one probelm...the chairs stick out to far. I'll have to rearrange I think! LOL, I'm not that worried.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Friday Night Indulgence....

Sigh...what a relaxing night I had planned for Friday night. I started the evening off with a soak in the whirlpool tub. The hardest choice was deciding if I wanted to put bubbles in or not...cause if I put bubbles in a can't turn the jets on. They are not air, so the bubble bath can "gum" up the jets as they say! So I put out some candles and lit them,put some crystal light in a wine glass, grabbed my fluffy white robe,set the timer for the full 30 minutes and made the water as hot as I can stand it.

After the whirlpool bath I grabbed my snuggly little Dory...who was already waiting for me on the bed half asleep I made some popcorn and grabbed my book. It is the last in the trilogy by Nora Roberts.
I read in bed for a while and I watched Ghost Whisperer. In amongst this time I would pop into the computer room to talk to my hubby Trent. All in all, I had a quiet and relaxing night. Just what a girl needs from time to time.