Monday, February 26, 2007

Our weekend getaway...

We started out saturday (our getaway) with a one hour couples massage at EAU SPA. It was very relaxing and just the perfect way to start off our weekend. I wasn't able to get many pics as we got right in, But I managed to snap one before we went into the massgae room. Here I was able to get a few while they were waiting for Trent and I to get ready.

We were off to a place called in on the lake which is less than 1.5 hours away from where we live. It is in a quiet area and was what we were looking for. It was built in the 1790's though I am not dure what it was back then. When we walked into the lobby it was a little less than grand (as we have seen at other places) but they hadold 20-30"S style music playing which added to it's charm. After check-in we took our stuff to our room which was exactly as it looked on their site which is nice...they don't always. The colors were warm and inviting...very cozy and spacious as well. As promised there was a large whirlpool tub (which isn't a big deal because I have one already at home), but makes for futher relaxation. The Inn had a bottle of champagne waiting for us and some chocolates. We had a couple of hours to kill before supper so we watched some tv and took come pics. Trent was in Yellow Knife for a month and didn't get to watch much it was great for him.

We dressed up for dinner, I figure any place that requires a reservation is likely a place that you should be dressed up for. As we were walking toward their restaurant called ENCORE I though "maybe we overdressed", but as I entered I realised that we fit in very well in our chioce of dinner attire. We were placed at a table infront of the fireplace, and again there was the soft cooners music in the background. I didn't get any pics at dinner because Trent and I would have looked like fools pulling it out and snapping pics...this is not a restaurant that serves pop or ketchup,lol. Did I mention we were the youngest ones there??? They started off our meal with warm bread, Trent had a beer and I had a daquiri. I ordered the chicken parmesan and Trent ordered the lamb chops with a sundried cherry-gin-juniper berry sauce. Trent had cinnimon crusted fried icecream in strawberry sauce and I had a fresh lemon tart in cream for dessert. TOO MUCH FOOD!!!

The next event was unfortunate...we had to go get some cold and sinus medicine. Yes, both Trent and I were coming down with a cold. That didn't stop us though. We relaxed a bit more, waiting for the medication to kick in then we went for the whirlpool. I know it is not "advised" to drink and be on cold medication but I was having champagne darn it!!!!! It is so yummy!!! So we sipped away on that for a while. Later, when our stomaches could hadnle more food, we opened up the chocolate fondue I had made that morning to bring. I heated it in the fondue pot and we ate choloate dipped fruit.

The room was so nice and toasty, as I put it up as high as I wanted it. Trent likes it cooler at $$$ on oil,lol!!!!! The bed was cozy and very large (king), but that didn't keep the snoring from coming across to me, ugghhh! oh no, was a perfect weekend about to be spoiled by laying awake listening to Trent snore???? For about 2 hours I laid there listeing, but then I woke him (slightly cranky) and he propeed his head up and we were okay for sleep again for a little while. I was hoping at breakfast that I could finially snap a pic, but itwas busier than the evening and there was no good you will have to trust me that the restaurant was lovely. The colds held off just enough on Satuday, but appeared strong on Sunday and is now running it's course. Hoping to feel better by tomorrow as I work tomorrow!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Vicky
What a lovely weekend you had. I'm glad the colds held off long enough for you two to enjoy yourselves. Trent is getting very brave in his food choices I see. LOL. That's a good thing.
Love Mom Wanda

Kim -today's creative blog said...

sounds like a decadent night. How relaxing.

Anonymous said...

wow sooo much fun and with cold uh? but thank you for sharing the pics dear, lovely pics and looks like an awsome place!!