Friday, February 02, 2007

Wednesday and Thursday....

Wednesday: Not an exciting day. I didn't work so I stayed home and Talked to Trent on MSN for a lot of the day. When I do that it is hard to get much else done. Oh, wait a minute....I did book an hour long couples massage for us at the local spa and a delux room and dinner reservation at an inn for the weekend following his arrival home. Cute place, and it is just what we need. To have some alone time without phone calls, pets and errands, and just to see each other after a month of not. Oh yes, it was yoga day. My first day at yoga. I am taking a 3 month class my with friend Lisa, and am pretty excited for it. I wasn't sure if I was suppose to wear bare feet or not so I thought "OMG...better pretty these puppies up", so I painted a toenails a purplish color.
I think I will be taking better care of my feet over the next couple of months becayse you do go barefeet,lol!!!!!!! I didn't get a pic of the yoga room as it was just a regular dark basement classroom and the local coomunity college.Tight quarters for 16 women to spread out...means someones gonna get a but in the face.HAHAHAHA..not it wsn't that bad at all.

Thursday: Yoga hurts!!!! Where did those muscles come from, holy? At least I know it works right. I had to shovel this morining before I go tready for school. I only did a half day though. We were only suppsoed to get 1 cm and got like 4 inches..what??? It was pretty though. I like the look os snow.
I watched General hospital at 4:00. It has been sooooooo good lately! And then Grey's Anatomy was on at 9:00...that's prime tv watching right there. I talked with Trent ofcourse, adn my friend from th education program popped on.OMG, this was the first time I have spoken to her in some time(like 10 months or so). It was so nice to talk her, we became friends istantly and have kinds missed her. I love that I have friends I don't have to talk to them every day and we can always just pick right up where we left off. She's coming up in a couple of weeks to visit her sister and we are looking to get togethr then. I am looking forward to that!


Susan Blanton said...

You crack me up. Some one going to get a butt in the face. I bet, what is a move, The dog or something. Hee, hee. Your toes look great. Mine need some serious help.

Ali P said...

Your little toesies look adorable Vicky! Trent won't be able to wait to come home and nibble on them..LOL

Anonymous said...

Lovely little tootsies, Vic. LOL. I so love those whirlpool bathtubs. I wish I had one, maybe when I have to replace this old one, I might get a whirly.

Wanda here