I am a mommy of 2 beautiful little boys who keep my very busy, give me a constant headache, and I love them very much. This blog is about the good bad and ugly of being a mommy. A place to share funny stories from my life as it unfolds, and the occasional rant as well,lol.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
New Table!!!!!
My stepfather was kind enough to make me atable last year. It was round like I wanted and the perfect size for my dinning room (being the tiny litle space that it is). In the last few months my poor table has been turning into more of a bowl shape than a table.After getting over the guilt I decided it was time to get a new one. I needed new chairs anyway. Holy, was I shocked to see how much money you have to spend to get atable, but I lucked out finding one at 1/2 price with taxes included. YAHOO!!!!! I personally love it, and it fits my requirements. It is a round table by day, but if you guests over you can put the leaf in and you can seat more people. It is s great dark color with apolhsterd seats as you can see. Oh no, one probelm...the chairs stick out to far. I'll have to rearrange I think! LOL, I'm not that worried.

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Very nice!!!! Love the under side. Very cool.
You have already seen my table..in Jessie's dining room!!LOL Somehow even though we are sooo many many miles apart we ended up with the same diningroom set.
Chalk it up to Great Minds Thinking Alike.
lol, too funny. Guess that saying is true!
Hey Vicky
That new table looks great. love it
I so need a new table to. But they are very expensive. I think I will wait til my little ones aren't getting glitter, glue, and crayons on it. Hee,hee.
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