Bad news
Yesterday I had an ultrasound that did not go as planned. We were supposed to find out if we were having twins or not, and if we were really lucky perhaps the sex of the baby. This is not what happened at all. What we discovered was that there was no baby at all. Every test came back positive, my blood test must have come back with normal hormone levels as my doctor never called me to indicate any problems, my examination was fine, I had morning sickness due to the hormones that my body was creating. I had everything...excpet a baby. The sac grew but nothing ever developed.I have to go for another blood test to confirm that the hormones have decreased as normal when there is no baby, and then I will have to have a DNC. The doctor said that it was rare for this to happen and it was likely that an egg was fertilized, but it just didn't go any further. This is sad news, but Trent and I have decided that there is nothing we can do to change the situation, so while we morn the idea of what we thought we had, we are willing to move on and try for another baby. The good news is that others with the same situation have gone on to have normal pregnancies, and this is what I need to focus on right now. Research and those with personal experience have told us that having a DNC can actually increase your chances of getting pregnant in the future. It is a small bit of positive, but something to hold onto. Next time though, I will not bring myself to say anything about being pregnant until I have had an ultrasound to prove that there is actually a baby growing. It's better that way, where no one gets there hopes up prematurely and there is less disappointment.
I am a mommy of 2 beautiful little boys who keep my very busy, give me a constant headache, and I love them very much. This blog is about the good bad and ugly of being a mommy. A place to share funny stories from my life as it unfolds, and the occasional rant as well,lol.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
I have had this cold for over a week now, so I have pretty much stayed in the house. It has been a slow couple of weeks for substituting. It is very inconsistent...when school started I was doing very well and was really busy, not so much though last week and this week. Not that I can really complain at the moment since this cold has gotten the best of me. Finally, I am seeing some improvement in my ability to breath (YAHOO)!!!
Yesterday I decided that in defence of the cold I should get some multivitamins. Now the obvious question is why aren't I already taking some sort of vitamin????? They make me sick...the better the vitamin the worse I feel. However, I can do chewable, and I could breath yesterday a little so out I went. It took three different stores before I could find a chewable adult multi.Yummy, they are strawberry.LOL.
On my way into town there is this house set really far back from the road, and out by the road is a series of big ponds lined with willow trees. I drive by all the time and wanted to get a picture, so my camera went with me. The weather was not the best yesterday, but Corel has features that were able to brighten up the bland color a bit. I will show ya what I took.

I have had this cold for over a week now, so I have pretty much stayed in the house. It has been a slow couple of weeks for substituting. It is very inconsistent...when school started I was doing very well and was really busy, not so much though last week and this week. Not that I can really complain at the moment since this cold has gotten the best of me. Finally, I am seeing some improvement in my ability to breath (YAHOO)!!!
Yesterday I decided that in defence of the cold I should get some multivitamins. Now the obvious question is why aren't I already taking some sort of vitamin????? They make me sick...the better the vitamin the worse I feel. However, I can do chewable, and I could breath yesterday a little so out I went. It took three different stores before I could find a chewable adult multi.Yummy, they are strawberry.LOL.
On my way into town there is this house set really far back from the road, and out by the road is a series of big ponds lined with willow trees. I drive by all the time and wanted to get a picture, so my camera went with me. The weather was not the best yesterday, but Corel has features that were able to brighten up the bland color a bit. I will show ya what I took.

Monday, October 23, 2006
I've been tagged!!!!!!!!
RANDOM things related to number 5:
1)It took me 5 years to complete my first degree (psychology)
2)I found out I was pregnant in the fith week
3)There was 5 cameras in my house (though I gave 2 away, and one was an old disposable that I threw out all within the last month)
4)My baby is due in May (the 5th month)
5)There are 5 letters in my first name
5 weird things about me:
1) I can't stand rhytmic noises like clocks ticking, heavy breathing or SNORING (ask my husband lol)
2) Things that fly (especially around my head) scrae me.
3)I sleep with earplugs in (due to number 1.LOL)
4)I cry over sappy movies no matter how many times I have seen them. 50 First Dates still gets me.
5)I fold paper before I put it in the garbage, and I cannot have placemats on my table at all times because I spend way too much time straightening them.
I TAG:I don't know that many people on her yet so I will try to give as many names as I can...didi, Susan, Becky, Cari
RANDOM things related to number 5:
1)It took me 5 years to complete my first degree (psychology)
2)I found out I was pregnant in the fith week
3)There was 5 cameras in my house (though I gave 2 away, and one was an old disposable that I threw out all within the last month)
4)My baby is due in May (the 5th month)
5)There are 5 letters in my first name
5 weird things about me:
1) I can't stand rhytmic noises like clocks ticking, heavy breathing or SNORING (ask my husband lol)
2) Things that fly (especially around my head) scrae me.
3)I sleep with earplugs in (due to number 1.LOL)
4)I cry over sappy movies no matter how many times I have seen them. 50 First Dates still gets me.
5)I fold paper before I put it in the garbage, and I cannot have placemats on my table at all times because I spend way too much time straightening them.
I TAG:I don't know that many people on her yet so I will try to give as many names as I can...didi, Susan, Becky, Cari
Checking out some great blogs!!!!!!!!
I have been so busy setting up my own blog that today is the first day I have had a chance to check out some other blogs. I have to say that there are some very creative and artistic people here!!!!!!! It is nice to be in the company of people that share similar intrests. Not only do I love to scrapbook and to take pictures but I love to look at other people's as well, so I think I could get very addicted to Blogger!!!!
Anyway, I really should get back to todays task....yawn!!!!! I am working on too many years of shredding our papers! It has been piling up and today is the day. IT IS GOING!!!!!!! If ofcoarse I don't go insane first. My shredder is a little hand held one that can only hold 1 piece of paper at a time and it has to be folded into thrirds!!! This is going to be hours of work!! I'll write again when I come up from under the pile of papers.
I have been so busy setting up my own blog that today is the first day I have had a chance to check out some other blogs. I have to say that there are some very creative and artistic people here!!!!!!! It is nice to be in the company of people that share similar intrests. Not only do I love to scrapbook and to take pictures but I love to look at other people's as well, so I think I could get very addicted to Blogger!!!!
Anyway, I really should get back to todays task....yawn!!!!! I am working on too many years of shredding our papers! It has been piling up and today is the day. IT IS GOING!!!!!!! If ofcoarse I don't go insane first. My shredder is a little hand held one that can only hold 1 piece of paper at a time and it has to be folded into thrirds!!! This is going to be hours of work!! I'll write again when I come up from under the pile of papers.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Saturday I made 20 Christmas cards. 5 of each different kind. Usually I only do cards for a few family members , but this year I had gone to a card party and made 10 cards that day. So, I figure that I am ahead of the game at the moment so I would make one for everyone this year. I still have more to make, but am almost done!!
This "Happy Holidays" card was very similar to one of the card party cards, with a few adjustments.
This "warmest holiday wishes" card is more classic and traditional with poinsettas.
This is "snowflakes"...and it is a different take on one of the card party cards. I love this one!
This is "snowman"..because of the glossy paper and sparkle it is hard to see him (SORRY!!, he is subtle and ore of a modern card. Again, this is a diffrent take on one of the card party cards. Thanks to Teri-lynn (my sister-in-law) for having the card is a good way to get ideas (which she always has plenty of), and I didn't have to spend sooo much time thinking about what I was going to do for cards after. It was easrier to think "I could change this by....", and that way they feel more like my own cards.
Saturday I made 20 Christmas cards. 5 of each different kind. Usually I only do cards for a few family members , but this year I had gone to a card party and made 10 cards that day. So, I figure that I am ahead of the game at the moment so I would make one for everyone this year. I still have more to make, but am almost done!!

Friday, October 20, 2006
The cutest dog ever!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have four animals, but the one that gets to me is my little Dory. She is so cute and sweet. We have had her since November '05, and she was 5 months old when we got her. I would say that she is going through her toddler stage right now because she can be kind of funny, and can act like a 2 year old at times. She didn't have the
best life before we got her, and she is deaf. Beacuse of her questionable life before me, I tend to treat her with special care. She is so full of love, and wants to snuggle most of the day. Once in awhile though she wioll get really playful and chew my shoes. Those are her toddle days!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone seems to spoil her. My mother just baought her a bunch of sweaters and outdoor gear. LOL. I know it sounds silly, but you can actually see her skin through her think hair. I ofcoarse took lots of pictures...which she truely loves!!! She got booties last night as well, and though I can't show you I have to tell you that is was the funniest thing I have seen in a long time. I have video of it, but I don't know how to

I got the idea to post a blog as a way for family and friends to always be able to know what is going on in my life from my sister-in-law. So here we go!!!!!!!!!! I am almost three months pregnant now and am feeling pretty good most of the time. Morning really are the worst. I dread eating breakfast because I don;t feel like eating, can't find anything I want to eat, and then feel bad for about 2 hours after I eat it. Regardless, of my eating less though, my pants are still getting tighter. This out there who have been pregnant before know exactly what I am talking about don't you. It's a lovely time in the pregnancy. Don't get me wrong though, I am loving being pregnant and actually can;t wait until I start to show.My career is teaching at the elementary level. I have worked in an instistution setting before, but I am better suited to teach. I love it a lot!!!!!!!!! Right now I am a substitute teacher. Wher I live, getting a contract position is actually quite difficult. I have only been doing this for 1 full year,so it may even take a couple more before something comes up. Hopefully not, but I may not have the choice. Aside from what I do I absolutely love photography and scrapbooking. I am looking forward to sharing some pics with everyone, once I get it all figured out.
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