Saturday, October 28, 2006

Bad news
Yesterday I had an ultrasound that did not go as planned. We were supposed to find out if we were having twins or not, and if we were really lucky perhaps the sex of the baby. This is not what happened at all. What we discovered was that there was no baby at all. Every test came back positive, my blood test must have come back with normal hormone levels as my doctor never called me to indicate any problems, my examination was fine, I had morning sickness due to the hormones that my body was creating. I had everything...excpet a baby. The sac grew but nothing ever developed.I have to go for another blood test to confirm that the hormones have decreased as normal when there is no baby, and then I will have to have a DNC. The doctor said that it was rare for this to happen and it was likely that an egg was fertilized, but it just didn't go any further. This is sad news, but Trent and I have decided that there is nothing we can do to change the situation, so while we morn the idea of what we thought we had, we are willing to move on and try for another baby. The good news is that others with the same situation have gone on to have normal pregnancies, and this is what I need to focus on right now. Research and those with personal experience have told us that having a DNC can actually increase your chances of getting pregnant in the future. It is a small bit of positive, but something to hold onto. Next time though, I will not bring myself to say anything about being pregnant until I have had an ultrasound to prove that there is actually a baby growing. It's better that way, where no one gets there hopes up prematurely and there is less disappointment.


grammy23 said...

great pics of the trees and ponds Vicky. I always love to see pics that are unique. Love reading the blogs, they are a terrific way to keep up with your news.

Nikki Cleary said...

Hi Vicky
you left a message on my blog re: the breast cancer LO... thanks.
I also just wanted to say that I am so sorry for your loss. I had a miscarriage last dec, and had to have a D&C on Dec 23rd, it was a hard christmas. But on the positive side of things, I got pregnant with this baby within 2 months!! It will happen for you, God has perfect timing.