Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I have had this cold for over a week now, so I have pretty much stayed in the house. It has been a slow couple of weeks for substituting. It is very inconsistent...when school started I was doing very well and was really busy, not so much though last week and this week. Not that I can really complain at the moment since this cold has gotten the best of me. Finally, I am seeing some improvement in my ability to breath (YAHOO)!!!
Yesterday I decided that in defence of the cold I should get some multivitamins. Now the obvious question is why aren't I already taking some sort of vitamin????? They make me sick...the better the vitamin the worse I feel. However, I can do chewable, and I could breath yesterday a little so out I went. It took three different stores before I could find a chewable adult multi.Yummy, they are strawberry.LOL.
On my way into town there is this house set really far back from the road, and out by the road is a series of big ponds lined with willow trees. I drive by all the time and wanted to get a picture, so my camera went with me. The weather was not the best yesterday, but Corel has features that were able to brighten up the bland color a bit. I will show ya what I took.

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