Friday, October 20, 2006

The cutest dog ever!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have four animals, but the one that gets to me is my little Dory. She is so cute and sweet. We have had her since November '05, and she was 5 months old when we got her. I would say that she is going through her toddler stage right now because she can be kind of funny, and can act like a 2 year old at times. She didn't have the best life before we got her, and she is deaf. Beacuse of her questionable life before me, I tend to treat her with special care. She is so full of love, and wants to snuggle most of the day. Once in awhile though she wioll get really playful and chew my shoes. Those are her toddle days!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone seems to spoil her. My mother just baought her a bunch of sweaters and outdoor gear. LOL. I know it sounds silly, but you can actually see her skin through her think hair. I ofcoarse took lots of pictures...which she truely loves!!! She got booties last night as well, and though I can't show you I have to tell you that is was the funniest thing I have seen in a long time. I have video of it, but I don't know how to apply it to my blog. There is a bit of a drizzle her at the moment so she has her raincoat on, but she decided to hide in the flower garden because she doesn't like wet grass. Finally, she left there and did her business so I could get inside. Being pregnant I seem to catch everything that comes my way (even if I don't know it's coming). So now I am on my second cold since I found out I was pregnant. Next Sunday is my 12th week so I will have a pic. Right now I only take 1 at the beging of every preg. month as the changes aren't that great yet. SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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