Monday, February 19, 2007

Hubby's arrival home.....

Trent was to arrive home at 10:08 in the morning on Friday, Feb 16th. When his mother and I arrived at the airport the flight was delayed by only 15 minutes to 10:23. No biggie, we went to Tim's in the airport and had some breakfast, then we checked out a store or two. At this point it was pretty much time to head over to where he would arrive. When we got there people were setting up for some kind of presentation. At first we thought it was for the East Coast Music Awards, or some important arrival, but it was a dedication to 3 really horrible looking statues. I did not get any pics of them because they were really ugly. I did take a picture of Trent's mom and I waiting for Trent to arrive.HEHEHE!!!!

The dedication starts and Trent's flight arrives. Three women came out and the airport staff which flight they were on. Yup, Trent's we waited, and waited. No Trent. Anyone who knows me knows that I was close to panic mode at that point. His flight had arrived but no Trent!!!! We asked information about his flight after about 40 minutes or more of waiting and found that there was another flight arriving at 11:47. It was only about 15 minutes before it were to arrive and the snack part of the presentation was started. Yum, carrot cake,lol! Then finally, Trent comes down the stairs, I had the camera in my hand and got some pics, but in the hustle and bustle of him finally being home I never got one of the 2 of us. Anyway, here are the pics tat I got....

The dogs and cats went crazy, which we knew so he waited outside until I could go in and let the dogs out so they had more room.

We had only made it in the house when he got a phone call from the company he did the contract for to see if he could go back out again for a couple of weeks. "Ah, slow down there buddie," is what I was thinking, but Trent has to wait until his vacation time is renewed in April and off he goes again for 2 weeks. For now he is home, and we have just been spending time together, though I can't be to greedy so we had our parents over for turkey dinner last night.


Anonymous said...

And a grrreat turkey dinner it was too, lovely girl.
These are great pics of Trent getting home, but there is one there you can rip up, lolol.

Scrappytbear said...

Great photos, so glad he is home and all is well again. Have a nice reunion!

Kim -today's creative blog said...

so glad he got home safely. Where did he go?

Ali P said...

I heard from an anonymous source that the turkey dinner kicked ass. Not the exact phrasing mind you, but the spirit of the review.
I am glad you guys are reunited and T.Per is safe and sound and unfrostbitten.

Vicky said...

Kim...he went an hour north of Yellow Knife (very cold and snow filled). We did have a great reunion and the turkey dinner was good. Frustrating at certain points to make...but tastey,lol!!!

Susan Blanton said...

So glad you got home safe. I know you are a happy ladie today.