Friday, February 09, 2007

More PIcs from Yellow Knife....

Gosh it's been a long 3 weeks so far. Some might think that it isn't that long, and in really it isn't....but Trent and I are used to spending a lot of time together. Since he is my favorite person to be around then I miss him while he is gone! I have at least 50 pics from up in Yellow Knife, but I will not post them all, haha. Trent usually goes outside everyday. At first the weather was no different than here, but has gotten significantly colder as the time as passed. He has to do checks, and he has to meet commuter planes bringing supplies and people, and if anyone needs the use of the truck he must go as well as he must be ready for a call at any time. He will be home Feb 15th...YAHOO!!!!!!!


Ali P said...

Would you two ever consider moving north? Aren't they always looking for teachers?

Scrappytbear said...

Nice photos! It looks so bright and clean and COLD up there! Brr. No they arent moving. Sheesh. They wont even leave the Valley ;)

Susan Blanton said...

Looks cold there, Great photos.