Day 2:

When we woke up there was lots of rain on the ground because it rained ALL NIGHT---SIGH!!!! But, I got some nice pictures of raindrops on the nature. The guys went golfing after breakfast as it was a tiny bit suuny so my Aunt Trudy and I had the adventure of driving into Miramichi. I never dribe anywhere, let alone in a different province!!!!! It was nice having Trudy...she watched the road signs and never swore once,LOL!!!!

Day 3: It rained and we went to Moncton with Eric and Trudy. No pics for this day!!
Last day:


Baby Adrian arrived the night before we left. He is very sweet and well tempered! The squirrel became part of the family while we were there. Trudy could even pet the little thing and it would come up to all of us to get nuts all day.
Rain looks like tonnes of fun.
Sounds like a good time was had except for the rain. Brings back memories of another wet trip. LOLOLOL on the beer. I can just hear them all. Adrian is a little cutie.
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