Friday, July 13, 2007

Latest updates.

Well, as you can see the baseboards are not up, we were on fire getting the flooring done, adn I was really hoping to have it done before our vacation to NB. It didn't happen! The door jams were giving us trouble, and the trim around the door.
This is our floor. Not as dark as we would have liked..sigh...but the darker you went the more expensive it got!!!! I guess it worked out because there isn't a lot of light down there anyway and this will brighten it up. Hopefully when we gat back from camping I will be able to show you the ceramic tiles in the laundry room and get those baseboards up quickly!!


Kim -today's creative blog said...

your photos are coming right along! Good for you!
So is the project! That must feel good. Wish our project was finished.

Anonymous said...

I love seeing pics of your life dear, and I love that floor, I love that kind of it. Thank you for sharing and please when you get a chance, jump to my blog , Ihave a surprise there, 2 lo's and a freebie. hope you like them.hugs and missing you tons. xoxo

Susan Blanton said...

I love it, I think it is the perfect cooling. The basement is coming along nicely.