Monday, April 30, 2012

Mommy's little napster!!!!

FINALLY!!!!!!  I put Quade in his crib for his afternoon nap (already alseep ofcourse), and he stayed there for just over 1.5 hours. He still naps a few times a day, but for the shorter ones I am okay to snuggle with him for these. However, I am fully prepared to put him in his crib everyday to make this a habit.

What did I do during this this time....well, it was 12:30 so I made Cullen and I lunch, ate in peace, and then I watched tv for a bit, made a few phone calls, and then I decided to nap on the couch.  I was tired because of the crazy heart attack like symptoms that kept me up for a couple of hours last night. Turned out to be heartburn for Pete's sake. Thought I was gonna die!

Anyway, that was a huge wake up call to me (in 2 ways). First, it occured to me that because of the weight that I have allowed myself to get to that I really could have been having a heart attack. The food I eat on a regular basis, and lack of exercise really does make me a heart attack waiting to happen. The other is that if the way I eat is the cause for feeling the kind of pain I had last night that I will stop eating that way. really, it should be an easy solution to that problem. I get in phases where I do really well and spmething like 2 weeks of illness throws me off track again and I have to start all over. What I know about this experience was that it is one I will remember time and again, especially when I think about eating that bowl of chip and dip before bed.

Now I am not planning on this blog being about my dieting and exercise....but it is part of my life and will therefore show up from time to time. I have a goal....40 lbs by the end of June. Seems like a big number but I have more than that to lose, and a lifestyle change will be a shock to my system.

On another note, I survived Quade spending the night away on Saturday.  Just before we were leaving I was frustrated at him because I was trying to get his stuff ready and he was whining and moaning the whole time. I felt like I couldn't get him in the car fast enough. Then as I was putting him in the car he smiled at me and I eyes filled up and I had a few tears while driving him to Nanny's house. The day turned out great though he was well behaved, and Trent and I got to relax with Cullen. we watched a movie,played with him, and the next morning we took Cullen out for brunch before picking Cullen up. I was happe to see him when we picked him up. I'm pretty sure that Nanny and Grampy are planning on taking them both next weekend...fingers crossed. It will be Cullen going for the night that will send me into a fit of crying....I've never been away from him....sigh.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Things are happening at the Perkins house,lol

New developments in the Perkins house over the past few day are many.  Quade had has first tooth,YAY!!!! I imagine dancing a jig in my head because I'm at the office and my co-workers may think I'm nuts if they see me dancing in office! That one tooth has been making all of our lives miserable for 4 months and it has now arrived. My hope is that the teeth that follow won't bother him as badly and that he will just get used to the pain.

Second development is that I have been letting him "cry it out" at night if he wakes up. Sure some will think it's mean that I decided to start doing this while he's teething BUT, who knew when that darn thing was coming, and I didn't want to miss any window of opportunity. Truth is, he's handling it REALLY WELL! The first night he cried for 30-35 minutes before falling asleep. The past 2 nights after that he would wake up, we'd go in and give him his soother and walk out and he would only cry for about 2-3 minutes and then went to sleep. Boy am I glad we, (LOL, I mean I decided and informed hubby) to do it. Now to tackle the place in which he naps....on me! He can be laid on the couch or in his crib, he just doesn't sleep as long.

Third, Quade is having his first sleepover at Nannie's house. He is leaving on Sat after lunch and I will get him on Sun around lunch. Cullen needs to see that Quade will come back before I send him away. Plus, he likes to play with Grampie, and he won't be there for half of Sat night. Cullen is 4 and I have never spent a night away from him...EVER! I know, I can hear all the gasps. But, he's my first little man and I haven't ever found the reason to do it if it wasn't necessary, plus I never felt the need for a break when I only had one kiddo.

What this does, is give me some hands free time to myself (Quade is needy for his mommy), and it gives Cullen a chance to have a taste of what his life was like 8 months ago where he can get all the attention he wants, can make all the noise he wants, and we can do something with him that isn't easily done while toting baby along. Also, I can sleep with no monitor....yup, I can fall into bed and completely tune out until 7:00 in the morning.

I am super excited, but will probably cry on Saturday. I cried when Trent told me that Quade had to spend the night in the hospital a couple of weeks ago. It is something  that we all need to learn to do. It's unrealisitc to think that the boys will never need to spend the night away...and it gives Trent and I the opportunity to do things that relativley young people do instead of spending ALL our work free time with the kids...because right now we absolutely do.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Okay, as I mentioned in the description...the good bad and the ugly. SO, let me describe this scene. I am sitting at the laptop while Cullen (my 4 year old) plays with transformers which is always accompanied by driving noises???? Sure, why not! Quade (my 8 month) who loves his mommy very much is crying frantically while ...never mind, I just had tp pick him up, SIGH. The house, while most people think my house is always clean, I am driven nuts on a daily basis at the mess. Cullen has an entire playroom downstairs and yet his favorite place to play is right here in what was supposed to be MY clean living room. The mood...well, I'm typing one handed while bouncing a now perfectly happy 8 month old who is drooling all over my hand, all while arguing with Cullen about why he can't use the computer right now. Hmmmm, because he's 4 and I said so!!!! I think Quade has pooped as well. Yup, BRB!

As I enter the room I got an update on OSO. I was just about to write about the scare I just had on the change table when.....ready....Cullen points to Quade's "tail; as it is called in my house and says "Quade's tail is right here". "Yes buddy, it is". LOL

The scare. My change table has the edge all the way around for safety, but it's never safe enough! . As I turm ny back to put some clothing that is now too small on the stand, I hear Quade on the table so I turn to see him on his side with one leg hanging over the side. It might be time to put the straps on....geesh, I'm 10 years older then when I started this post.

That's it for today. I promised or should I say negotaited with Cullen that he could have the computer at 8:15...that was 30 minutes ago. Thinking about getting a timer for his comuter use. I am getting tired of arguing with a 4 yr old over it. Thanks hubby for introducing Plants vs. Zombies to our son,lol!

PS: this was an old blog that already had posts from when Cullen was a baby, so instead from starting a blog that missed all that history I am continuing on with this one.

Please mamas out there, tell me that it is completely normal for a child of Cullen's age to want to eat eveything in sight all day long. Is it? The child always has food in his mouth. Aside from his meals he wants whatever, and I truely mean he wants whatever Trent and I are having, then his snacks ontop of that.
Yes, that is icecream's literally the only junk he let him nibble on, and the rest is stuff formulated for babies, and I always make sure his meals and snacks are balanced but with the amount of food he eats it's amazing he's not 300 pounds!!!! That's an exageration ofcourse. He actually still wears some 9 month pants (though it is the length thst is getting a little to small), he has a little waiste and long body.
LOL, I sure hope he grows out o fit, or by the time he's a teenager he will eat me right out of house and home.
I ask the question, "why is a quiet child always one that is up to something?"
Cullen got these balls today with a "cottage" to put them which Cullen would sit and play in. After supper, daddy went to work and Cullen was doing his walkin around the house. SO I THOUGHT!!!! There was zero noise which is a huge alarm that should ring in my head. Where my head was I have no idea? So, the next thing I see(actually it was smelled first) is Cullen entering the living room with an empty bag flung over his shoulder. YUP, where are the balls? Wouldn't I hear 50 balls bouncing to the floor. Nope, I guess not!

What is seen here is just one spot where the balls all pooled together. As you can tell, Cullen looks very pleased with himself that the balls are on the floor for him to play with. Now I am left pondering whether or not I should clean them up now, or after he goes to bed? What I do know is that I will have to catch him and take the empty plastic bag off of his head as it is not a hat, but a danergous plastic bag. Then I will let out the dog who was been annoying walking around for the last 20 mintutes trying to avoid the crazy monster with the funny hat :S Bath time in 5...ahhhhh!!!!!
That is part of a verse most people know..."Grant me the strength to accept what I cannot change". I cannot do a darn thing about my kitchen and it's size...yet! I am lobbying, if you will, for a new kitchen which ofcourse comes with a new house. Why get one without the other I say? Unfortunately, until I start selling other peoples houses, mine will not be on the market. We had a 5-7 year plan which secretly I hoped would be 3-5 years, to move into a bigger house. We are 5 years into that naturally it's time for me to start the constant nag about the house..opps, kitchen really.

Some people say something to them selves everyday..."I can do this", "I am special". Me, it's "I hate this freakin' kitchen" Okay, well sometimes it's not "freakin'" but a little more harsh. It's a shame really, because there are some great things about this house...the lot being one of them. However, if you cook at all you want a kitchen that helps not hinders the process. I cook all or part of every meal so I long for a better kitchen.

I can see it in my mind...all big and shiny! SSSIIIGGHHHH!!!!! Yup, it's beautiful, and everything fits nicely where I want with actual room to spare. A hard task that is, I know, but since it's only a dream at this point I can imagine it exactly how I want.
So last night when Trent gets home he goes into the bedroom...(which is closed ALL the time because the cat has made a whole in the bottom of my boxspring to make a home to sleep in....grrrr)and yells down to me, "Did you fart in here?" Well, I am the first to admit when I do, but this time I didn't so I said "NO" So then he informs me that the bedroom smells like a dead fart. WHAT????? I said, "Aren't all farts dead, I mean, they aren't alive are they?" You can tell we don't get out much...I mean, this was an actual conversation :S

Anyway, the culpret to the "dead fart" smell appears to be the tubroom which is between my bedroom and bathroom. Why does the tub stink, I sure would like to know! The town has been cleaning the systems lately, or it could be I haven't had time for the whirlpool (only showers with a baby around)Either way, it stinks like sulphur,so it got a little liquid plumber.

Moral of this story is that apparently "dead farts" smell not like regular farts, but rather like sulphur. At least according to HUBBY.
Seriously, no break at all. I can deal with it, but poor Cullen. He has 3 molars and one more coming in! That makes for 12 teeth total. Since Christmas he has not been a day without teething. Unlike most kiddos, Cullen actually does not get a rash and diareha (not spelled correctly, but hey, this isn't a business letter so who cares) but rather he has trouble pooping. Yup, I am talking about poop in my first blog. What a start eh? Poor little guy will be playing and then he starts walking fast in circles, or up and down the hall frantically grunting. It's funny at first but then the fussing comes and the tears because it hurts. Now, it's been like this for a couple of days, and I am confident that GRAMMMY will have a little poopster on her hands tomorrow. Sorry Grammy, hehe. But the lack thereof usually is followed by a day full of dirty diapers. So diappointed that I won't be home most of the day tomorrow. HEHE, not!