Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Okay, as I mentioned in the description...the good bad and the ugly. SO, let me describe this scene. I am sitting at the laptop while Cullen (my 4 year old) plays with transformers which is always accompanied by driving noises???? Sure, why not! Quade (my 8 month) who loves his mommy very much is crying frantically while ...never mind, I just had tp pick him up, SIGH. The house, while most people think my house is always clean, I am driven nuts on a daily basis at the mess. Cullen has an entire playroom downstairs and yet his favorite place to play is right here in what was supposed to be MY clean living room. The mood...well, I'm typing one handed while bouncing a now perfectly happy 8 month old who is drooling all over my hand, all while arguing with Cullen about why he can't use the computer right now. Hmmmm, because he's 4 and I said so!!!! I think Quade has pooped as well. Yup, BRB!

As I enter the room I got an update on OSO. I was just about to write about the scare I just had on the change table when.....ready....Cullen points to Quade's "tail; as it is called in my house and says "Quade's tail is right here". "Yes buddy, it is". LOL

The scare. My change table has the edge all the way around for safety, but it's never safe enough! . As I turm ny back to put some clothing that is now too small on the stand, I hear Quade on the table so I turn to see him on his side with one leg hanging over the side. It might be time to put the straps on....geesh, I'm 10 years older then when I started this post.

That's it for today. I promised or should I say negotaited with Cullen that he could have the computer at 8:15...that was 30 minutes ago. Thinking about getting a timer for his comuter use. I am getting tired of arguing with a 4 yr old over it. Thanks hubby for introducing Plants vs. Zombies to our son,lol!

PS: this was an old blog that already had posts from when Cullen was a baby, so instead from starting a blog that missed all that history I am continuing on with this one.

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