Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I ask the question, "why is a quiet child always one that is up to something?"
Cullen got these balls today with a "cottage" to put them which Cullen would sit and play in. After supper, daddy went to work and Cullen was doing his walkin around the house. SO I THOUGHT!!!! There was zero noise which is a huge alarm that should ring in my head. Where my head was I have no idea? So, the next thing I see(actually it was smelled first) is Cullen entering the living room with an empty bag flung over his shoulder. YUP, where are the balls? Wouldn't I hear 50 balls bouncing to the floor. Nope, I guess not!

What is seen here is just one spot where the balls all pooled together. As you can tell, Cullen looks very pleased with himself that the balls are on the floor for him to play with. Now I am left pondering whether or not I should clean them up now, or after he goes to bed? What I do know is that I will have to catch him and take the empty plastic bag off of his head as it is not a hat, but a danergous plastic bag. Then I will let out the dog who was been annoying walking around for the last 20 mintutes trying to avoid the crazy monster with the funny hat :S Bath time in 5...ahhhhh!!!!!

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