Wednesday, April 25, 2012

So last night when Trent gets home he goes into the bedroom...(which is closed ALL the time because the cat has made a whole in the bottom of my boxspring to make a home to sleep in....grrrr)and yells down to me, "Did you fart in here?" Well, I am the first to admit when I do, but this time I didn't so I said "NO" So then he informs me that the bedroom smells like a dead fart. WHAT????? I said, "Aren't all farts dead, I mean, they aren't alive are they?" You can tell we don't get out much...I mean, this was an actual conversation :S

Anyway, the culpret to the "dead fart" smell appears to be the tubroom which is between my bedroom and bathroom. Why does the tub stink, I sure would like to know! The town has been cleaning the systems lately, or it could be I haven't had time for the whirlpool (only showers with a baby around)Either way, it stinks like sulphur,so it got a little liquid plumber.

Moral of this story is that apparently "dead farts" smell not like regular farts, but rather like sulphur. At least according to HUBBY.

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