Wednesday, April 25, 2012

That is part of a verse most people know..."Grant me the strength to accept what I cannot change". I cannot do a darn thing about my kitchen and it's size...yet! I am lobbying, if you will, for a new kitchen which ofcourse comes with a new house. Why get one without the other I say? Unfortunately, until I start selling other peoples houses, mine will not be on the market. We had a 5-7 year plan which secretly I hoped would be 3-5 years, to move into a bigger house. We are 5 years into that naturally it's time for me to start the constant nag about the house..opps, kitchen really.

Some people say something to them selves everyday..."I can do this", "I am special". Me, it's "I hate this freakin' kitchen" Okay, well sometimes it's not "freakin'" but a little more harsh. It's a shame really, because there are some great things about this house...the lot being one of them. However, if you cook at all you want a kitchen that helps not hinders the process. I cook all or part of every meal so I long for a better kitchen.

I can see it in my mind...all big and shiny! SSSIIIGGHHHH!!!!! Yup, it's beautiful, and everything fits nicely where I want with actual room to spare. A hard task that is, I know, but since it's only a dream at this point I can imagine it exactly how I want.

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