Friday, April 27, 2012

Things are happening at the Perkins house,lol

New developments in the Perkins house over the past few day are many.  Quade had has first tooth,YAY!!!! I imagine dancing a jig in my head because I'm at the office and my co-workers may think I'm nuts if they see me dancing in office! That one tooth has been making all of our lives miserable for 4 months and it has now arrived. My hope is that the teeth that follow won't bother him as badly and that he will just get used to the pain.

Second development is that I have been letting him "cry it out" at night if he wakes up. Sure some will think it's mean that I decided to start doing this while he's teething BUT, who knew when that darn thing was coming, and I didn't want to miss any window of opportunity. Truth is, he's handling it REALLY WELL! The first night he cried for 30-35 minutes before falling asleep. The past 2 nights after that he would wake up, we'd go in and give him his soother and walk out and he would only cry for about 2-3 minutes and then went to sleep. Boy am I glad we, (LOL, I mean I decided and informed hubby) to do it. Now to tackle the place in which he naps....on me! He can be laid on the couch or in his crib, he just doesn't sleep as long.

Third, Quade is having his first sleepover at Nannie's house. He is leaving on Sat after lunch and I will get him on Sun around lunch. Cullen needs to see that Quade will come back before I send him away. Plus, he likes to play with Grampie, and he won't be there for half of Sat night. Cullen is 4 and I have never spent a night away from him...EVER! I know, I can hear all the gasps. But, he's my first little man and I haven't ever found the reason to do it if it wasn't necessary, plus I never felt the need for a break when I only had one kiddo.

What this does, is give me some hands free time to myself (Quade is needy for his mommy), and it gives Cullen a chance to have a taste of what his life was like 8 months ago where he can get all the attention he wants, can make all the noise he wants, and we can do something with him that isn't easily done while toting baby along. Also, I can sleep with no monitor....yup, I can fall into bed and completely tune out until 7:00 in the morning.

I am super excited, but will probably cry on Saturday. I cried when Trent told me that Quade had to spend the night in the hospital a couple of weeks ago. It is something  that we all need to learn to do. It's unrealisitc to think that the boys will never need to spend the night away...and it gives Trent and I the opportunity to do things that relativley young people do instead of spending ALL our work free time with the kids...because right now we absolutely do.


Carrie said...

I did not realize that Quade ended up having to spend the night in hospital-- jee! Glad he is feeling better and hope the night at Grammies goes well for all :) Hope Cullen enjoys his time without lil bro ;)

Vicky said...

yeah, he stayed at the hospital for about 27-28 hours. I don't think that Cullen gets that Quade won't be here tomorrow...we
ll see how it goes. Quade is very comfortable with my mom so he will be fine....we'll see how I do,lol